人格神,personality god
1)personality god人格神
1.But what these scholars determine the transcendence of an object(for example,whether has a personality god and so on) is pure western,therefore lacks the validity.但这些学者所持的判定超越性的依据(如是否有一个人格神等)是纯西方的,因此缺乏合法性。
2)personality spirit人格精神
1.To reflect the personality spirit of the leftist romantic literati;左翼浪漫文人人格精神之反思
2.Religious awareness of Christianity plays a great role in constructing his personality spirit and exerts great influence on his character,quality and literary activities.基督教的宗教意识参与了他人格精神的建构,并影响到他的性格、气质及文学艺术活动的诸多方面,是研究闻一多的一个重要侧面。
3.To research the character of Chinese literary scholars in the Wei and Jin dynasties will be conducive to the understanding of personality spirit of traditional Chinese literary scholars.研究中国文化的魏晋传统,对认识中国传统文人的人格精神具有重要的价值。

1.On the Personality and Literary Spirit of Sima Xiangru;司马相如的人格精神和文学精神探析
2.On Zhong Dian-fei s View on Film Aesthetics and His Personality;论钟惦棐的电影美学观念和人格精神
3.Pursuit in the Illusion: the Personality of Nalan s Poems;空幻中的追寻——试论纳兰词的人格精神
4."Stone" and Humanity in Liu Zongyuan s Yong Zhou Ba Ji;柳宗元“永州八记”中的“石”与人格精神
5.On the personality of the four distinguished in Primary Tang and the formation of the poiet style in Tang Dynasty;论初唐四杰的人格精神与唐诗刚健风格的形成
6.schizoid personality disorder精神分裂型人格异常
7.psychopathic personality心理病态人格 精神病态人格
8.Scots are an adventurous and inventive people.苏格兰人既富于冒险精神又富于创造精神.
9.People don't have @multiple personalities@ they have Dissociative Identity Disorder.人不会有“多重人格”而是会“精神分裂”。
10.On the Comparison of Personality Theory between Psychoanalysis and Humanism;精神分析与人本主义人格理论之比较
11.Cultivating Perfect Personality for VCS Based on Humanism;以人文精神塑造高职学生的完美人格
12.Raise Highly the Banner of the Human Spirit Train the Independent and Full Character;高扬人文精神旗帜 培养独立健全人格
13.Glen: That killer robot is really distracting!格伦:这个机器人杀手真的精神错乱了!
14.Previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder,精神分裂症以前被称为“多重人格失调”,
15.Founding Campus Cultural Spirit and Molding The Character of China Pudong Cadre Institute;熔铸校园文化精神 塑造中浦人格特质
16.Fang Li-Ideal Personality in the Candle-light of Rational Spirit;范蠡——理性精神烛照下的人格范式
17.The Enlightening Value of Chinese Ancient Personalities for the Spirit of Modern art;古代隐士人格对现代艺术精神的启示
18.On Chinese Communists’ Spiritual Character and Morals of Advancing with the Time;论中国共产党人与时俱进的精神品格

personality spirit人格精神
1.To reflect the personality spirit of the leftist romantic literati;左翼浪漫文人人格精神之反思
2.Religious awareness of Christianity plays a great role in constructing his personality spirit and exerts great influence on his character,quality and literary activities.基督教的宗教意识参与了他人格精神的建构,并影响到他的性格、气质及文学艺术活动的诸多方面,是研究闻一多的一个重要侧面。
3.To research the character of Chinese literary scholars in the Wei and Jin dynasties will be conducive to the understanding of personality spirit of traditional Chinese literary scholars.研究中国文化的魏晋传统,对认识中国传统文人的人格精神具有重要的价值。
1.On the Life and Personality of Zhang Xie;论张协人生道路与人格精神
2.On the Life and Personality of ZHANG Hua;论张华人生道路与人格精神
3.The Tang poets pursued and adhered to their own unique personality,self-confidence,self-praise,and individual consciousness.唐代诗人们努力追求与坚持自己独特的人格,他们自信、自诩,高扬个体意识,诗歌中表现出刚健有为的人格操守,坚定的信念和乐观的心态,真挚感人的浓浓深情,无不展现出积极的人格精神。
4)spirit and personality人格风神
1.From the primary study of writing style in the Song dynasty,the exploration on the style and conception in the Ming Dynasty,to recognition of spirit and personality in the Qing dynasty,the history of Yi-an Ci has come through three stages mostly: a low tide period,a turning period and a high tide period.从宋元时期创作风格的初探,到明代对词风词境的发明探微,再至清代对人格风神的体认,易安词的接受大致经历了低潮期、转折期、接受高潮期三个阶段,分别从艺术表现、本色词风、别样词境、人格风神四个层面丰富发展了“易安体”的内部构层。
5)spirit of personality人格精神
1.In a word, his spirit of personality embodies this proverb "trying his best to obtain the unabtainable goal".文天祥是南宋政治家、文学家和思想家,他的人格精神可一言以蔽之"知其不可而为之"。
6)spiritual personality精神人格
