仁政思想,benevolent policy
1)benevolent policy仁政思想
1.The correlation between the moral spirit in The Book of Songs and the benevolent policy of Confucian;论《诗经》中的重德精神与孔子仁政思想的关联
2.He expresses the idea of benevolent policy through inheriting the ideas of ancient philosophers and drawing lessons from the collapse of the Qin Dynasty and pondering on practical conflicts.西汉初年的思想家贾谊在吸取前人思想、总结秦朝灭亡的教训以及分析现实社会矛盾的基础之上,阐发了以民为本的仁政思想

1.Benevolent Government Philosophy and its Revelation;《孟子》的民本、仁政思想及其启示
2.The correlation between the moral spirit in The Book of Songs and the benevolent policy of Confucian;论《诗经》中的重德精神与孔子仁政思想的关联
3.Carrying Forward Meng Zi s Policy of Benevolence and Acclerating the Construction of Harmonious Well off Society;弘扬孟子仁政思想精华 促进建设和谐小康社会
4.Ouyang xiu and Su shi:Transference of Policy of Benevolence Thought and Literature Style;仁政思想与文学风格的传承——从《刑赏忠厚之至论》说起
5.Learning from Mencius′ Theory of Benevolent Government to Construct Socialism Harmonious Society借鉴孟子仁政思想的精华构建社会主义和谐社会
6.Confucian people-oriented thoughts was the practice of Confucian ideal of "Benevolent Governance".儒家民本思想是儒家“仁政”理想的实践。
7.Mencius "Policy of Benevolence" and Its Modern Meaning;浅议孟子的“仁政”思想及其当代意义
8.On the Mencius Government of Virtues;人与人的实现——试论孟子的“仁政”思想
9.The Thinking Origin and Theoretical Foundation of the Confucian Thought孟子仁政学说的思想渊源和理论基础
10.On Democratic Constitution Thought and Political Practice of Song Jiao-ren in Early Republic of China;略论民初宋教仁的民主宪政思想及其政治实践
11.On the Influence of Benevolent Government Theory by Mencius on Feudal Politics in China;论孟子的“仁政”思想及对中国封建政治的影响
12.The core of the Confucians' political ethics thought of chu bamboo slips is "outside justice in the benevolence".《郭店楚简》儒家政治伦理思想的核心是“仁内义外”。
13.Learn from Mencius' Theory of Benevolent Government to Construct Socialism Harmonious Society孟子“仁政”思想与构建社会主义和谐社会
14.The Research about the Function between the Traditional Thought of Loyalty Benevolence Filialness Justice and Political Ideological Education;忠孝仁义传统思想之于当前思政工作的几点思考
15."Benevolence" Based on "Qi"--The Spiritual Features of Zhu Xi’s Thought Of "Benevolence";“即气论仁”——朱子仁学思想的精神特质
16.The inscriptions in the plaque means only the benevolent emperor can live a long life.匾额上的字“寿协仁符”意思是施仁政者能长寿。
17.Jen-Love and Caring--The Comparison between Confucian Jen-Love Education and Noddings Caring Education;仁爱与关怀——儒家的仁爱教育思想与诺丁斯的关怀教育思想之比较
18.Confucius's thought on human nature manifesting in the series of his about benevolence thought.孔子的人性论思想表现在其仁学思想的体系中。

Mencius' benevolent government theory孟子仁政思想
3)On Jia Yi s Viewpoint of Benevolent Policy贾谊仁政思想简论
4)benevolence_achieving philosophy成仁思想
1.Benevolence is the core in Confucianism and the Confucian benevolence_achieving philosophy involves morality,filial piety,loyalty to the emperor and concern."仁"是孔子学说的核心概念,孔子的成仁思想主要体现在修身、事亲、忠君、爱人四个方面。
5)benevolent conception仁义思想
1.The paper studies in depth the benevolent conception of Confucianism and its enlightenment on modern management.本文从儒教文化的仁义思想入手,挖掘仁义的深层含义以及它对现代管理的启示,并从仁义思想的视角对现代管理思想进行深入分析,探询我国管理实践中存在的一些主要问题,并在此基础上提出如何将仁义思想和现代管理理论成功地融为一体,以构建和谐的企业文化,提高我国的管理水平。
6)benevolent governme"仁治"思想
