尚同,Identifying with the Superior
1)Identifying with the Superior尚同
1.Valuing Harmong and Identifying with the Superior:The Comparison Harmonious of Confucius and Mozi;“贵和”与“尚同”:孔、墨和谐思想比较

1.On Mo Di s Ideas of Esteeming Sages and Esteeming Accordance;简论墨子“尚贤、尚同”思想的实质
2.Valuing Harmong and Identifying with the Superior:The Comparison Harmonious of Confucius and Mozi;“贵和”与“尚同”:孔、墨和谐思想比较
3.On Identification with the Superior--Discussion about Guo Mo-ruo's Attitude towards Mohism论“尚同”——郭沫若墨学批判之商榷
4.An Analysis of the Autocratic Characteristics of MO Zi s Idea of Identification with the Superior--A Cum-study on the Influences of Mo Zi s idea of Identification with the Superior on HAN Fei s Thought of Autocratic Monarchy;墨子尚同说的专制性特征解析——兼及尚同说对韩非君主专制思想的影响
5.I have discussed it with Comrade Yang Shangkun, and we have agreed that the simpler it is, the better.我同杨尚昆同志谈过,越简单越好。
6.Other times, other manners.时代不同,风尚不同(俗随时变)。
7.The specified subscription does not exist or has not been synchronized yet.指定的订阅不存在或者尚未同步。
8.Beauchamp had meanwhile drawn the box of pistols from the carriage.同时,波尚从马车里取出装手枪的盒来。
9.The new rate of pay have not is formally agree.新的工资标准尚未正式同意。
10.The new rate of pay have not be formally agree新的工资标准尚未正式同意
11.I hope your friendship will grow firmer as the years come and go.尚祈友谊坚如磐石,与日月同在。
12.Now Vogue has delivered the same for men's wear.如今,时尚已同样进入男装。
13.He has done nothing out of the way yet.他尚未做出不同寻常的事来。
14.The new rates of pay have not been formally agreed.新的工资标准尚未正式同意.
15.Traditions and fashions, like society itself,传统和时尚如同社会本身,
16.Upon termination of a contract, a performance which has not been rendered is discharged;合同解除后,尚未履行的,终止履行;
17.But I've never had the pleasure of doing any business with you.可是同贵公司尚无业务往来。
18.Now its possible to be both safe and stylish.现在你可以同时拥有安全性和时尚感。

Tong Wen Shangshu《同文尚书》
1.Qing Dynasty, the literature scientist in Shandong Province - Mu Ting after more than 40 years painstaking care Tong Wen Shangshu, since a Shangshu studies the research the devoting, also founded one to conduct the comprehensive reorganization research to the ancient times literature the glory model.清代山东文献学家牟庭,历经四十多年心血所著的《同文尚书》,既是一部富有新见的《尚书》注本,也是一个对古代文献进行全面整理研究的光辉范例。
3)executory contract尚未履行的合同
4)pending contract尚未完成的合同
5)An executory contract尚待执行的合同
6)Study on Tong Wen Shangshu《同文尚书》研究

尚同  中国战国初期墨子的一种政治主张。《墨子·尚同》阐述了这一主张。"尚"通"上","同"指同一或统一。墨子认为,在没有"正长"的原始时代,"一人一义,十人十义",人们各以自己的是非为标准,故"厚者有斗,而薄者有争",造成社会混乱。墨子主张"尚同","一同天下之义","一同其国之义",要求人们都服从天子的思想和意志,做到"上之所是,亦必是之,上之所非,亦必非之"。天下百姓都要"上同于天子",做到"上同而不下比",这样,人们的思想才能统一,是非的判断才有标准,社会才会出现安定的政治局面。他又认为,天子"总天下之义,以尚同于天","天志"才是尚同的最高标准。否则,天子公侯就没有是非标准,最终达不到尚同的目的。墨子的"尚同"思想反映了小生产者政治上的软弱性,他们希望出现一个统一安定的社会,但只能把这种希望寄托在最高统治者身上,寄托在上天身上。