万物,All Things
1)All Things万物
1.This article carries on an analysis of Mencius Proposition"All Are for Myself "through its three es-sential factors: "I","all things","preparation".本文对孟子“万物皆备于我”一句分“我”、“万物”、“备”三个要素进行解析。

1.Time makes all things grow, and destroys all .时光能使万物生长,也能将万物毁灭。
2.Every thing has a good side and a bad side, and ....is no exception.万事万物有其两面性,而________也是如此。
3.everything seems to come back to life in spring.在春天,万事万物似乎又再度苏醒了。
4.Everything undergoes the process of change in the tide of times.随着时间的流逝,万事万物经历着变化。
5.There is a time for all things-Nothing is but good for something.万事有其时--万物无不有所用处。
6.The eye that see all thing else see not itself.眼视万物,独不视己。
7.Nothing scatters things about so quickly as the wind扰万物者,莫疾乎风
8.All living things depend on (upon) the sun for their growth.万物生长都依靠太阳。
9.The world was all steeped in sunshine.万物沐浴在阳光中。
10.All things are in a state of flux.万物都在不断地变动。
11.She begins. Let all be still!她开始歌唱。让万物倾听!
12.Everything is built up of atoms.万物是由原子构成的。
13.Nature wakes in spring.春回大地,万物复苏。
14.This is the Resurrection time.这是万物复苏的时节。
15.Humans are the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters天生万物,唯人为贵
16.The sun shine upon all alike.太阳普照万物,一视同仁。
17.Among all things on earth, people are the most valuable.世间万物,人是最宝贵的。
18.Keeps great and small on the endless round使世界万物生生不息

myriads of things; all nature万事万物
3)"all things are numbers"万物皆数
4)the three begets all things of the world三生万物
1.The Laozi s wisdom-the three begets all things of the world-is a mystery for thousands of years.在日常生活中 ,充满着许多有趣的“三现象”,老子的“三生万物”更带着千古之谜 ,让人猜测不已。
5)everything consisted of Light光化万物
6)everything on the earth runs its course万物自化

万物1.统指宇宙间的一切事物。 2.犹众人。