《大众哲学》,Popular Philosophy
1)Popular Philosophy《大众哲学》
1.Popular Philosophy and the Localization of Marxism in China;《大众哲学》与马克思主义中国化
2.The Historical Position of Popular Philosophy;《大众哲学》的历史定位

1.Popular Philosophy and Popularization of Philosophy--Celebrating Its Seventieth Anniversary of Popular Philosophy;《大众哲学》与哲学的大众化——纪念《大众哲学》发表70周年
2.Let Philosophy Close to Reality--Ai Siqi s "The Public s Philosophy" and Its Realistic Meanings;让哲学亲近现实——艾思奇《大众哲学》及其现实意义
3.Ai Siqi s Public Philosophy and Chinese Characteristics of Maxism;艾思奇的《大众哲学》与马克思主义哲学中国化
4.Get Philosophy Close to Life--Enlightenment from Public Philosophy by Ai Siqi让哲学亲近生活——艾思奇《大众哲学》给我们的启示
5.Looking at the Historical Experience of Marxist Popularity from Public Philosophy;从《大众哲学》看马克思主义大众化的历史经验
6.The theoretical contribution of "Popular Philosophy" and immediate significance;《大众哲学》的理论贡献及其现实意义
7.A Pioneer Who Applied Marxist Philosophy to Practice--Ai Siqi and his Popular Philosophy;马克思主义哲学走出课堂的先驱者——艾思奇和他的《大众哲学》
8.Marxist Philosophy and China s Social Change--In Memory of the 70th Anniversary of the Publishing of The Public Philosophy by Ai Siqi;马克思主义哲学与中国社会变革——纪念艾思奇《大众哲学》发表70周年
9.Popularization of Marxism philosophy in the new situation;论新形势下马克思主义哲学的大众化
10.People's practice is the headspring of philosophy wisdom.人民大众的实践活动,是哲学智慧的源泉。
11.The Aesthetic Ethics and Philosophical Introspection of the Popular Culture in the New Consumption Era;消费时代大众文化的审美伦理与哲学省思
12.Philosophy Thinking on the Popularity of the Contemporary Chinese Marxist当代中国马克思主义大众化的哲学思考
13.From the Popularization of Marxist Philosophy to the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy : Discussing the Contribution of Ai Siqi's Philosophy从大众化到中国化:艾思奇哲学贡献新论
14.Philosophy Thinking on Higher Education under the Background of Popularization--note about the book on the Philosophy of HigherEeducation by John S.Brubacher;高等教育大众化背景下的哲学思考——读布鲁贝克《高等教育哲学》的几点启示
15.I say dialectics should move from the small circle of philosophers to the broad masses of the people.我说辩证法应该从哲学家的圈子走到广大人民群众中间去。
16.Discussing Mao Zedong s Historical Contribution to Epoch and Nationality and Popularization of Marxism Philosophy;论毛泽东对马克思主义哲学时代化、民族化、大众化的历史贡献
17.The philosophical thinking of enlarging class foundation and mass foundation of CPC;增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础的哲学思考
18.The Philosophical Thinking on the "Popularity"of Higher Education on the Justice and Equality of "perfect Education;对高等教育"大众化"的哲学反思——论"精英教育"的公正和平等

public philosophy大众哲学
1.Get Philosophy Close to Life——Enlightenment from Public Philosophy by Ai Siqi让哲学亲近生活——艾思奇《大众哲学》给我们的启示
2.The public philosophy embodies a Pioneering spirit, which gives an important reference value for ns to explore the way how philosophy can go up to date in the new age and how it can better s.艾思奇的《大众哲学》坚持理论与实践相结合 ,哲学与人民相结合的正确方向 ,在我国率先开辟了哲学通俗化、大众化的道路 ,并对哲学中国化、现实化进行了初步探索 ,做出了重要贡献。
3)popular philosophy大众哲学
1.Popular Philosophy and Popularization of Philosophy——Celebrating Its Seventieth Anniversary of Popular Philosophy;《大众哲学》与哲学的大众化——纪念《大众哲学》发表70周年
2.The theoretical contribution of "Popular Philosophy" and immediate significance;《大众哲学》的理论贡献及其现实意义
4)popularization of philosophy哲学大众化
1.This articale outlines the historical context uner which it was written before it discusses its characteristics and good points in the popularization of philosophy,and its significant contribution to the education and dissipation of Marxist philosophy in China.艾思奇的《大众哲学》是马克思主义哲学大众化的开山之作。
5)por of the broad masses in nature大众性法哲学
6)Mathematics for all大众数学
1.The Background of "Mathematics for all" in China and its Effects on New Curriculum Standard;“大众数学”教育思想在我国产生的提出及其对新课程改革的影响
2.Probe on the Balance of "Mathematics for Exam" and "Mathematics for All"——Thoughts on Design of Qualities Education on Mathematics by Zhang-Dianyu;“精英数学”与“大众数学”和谐共存的支点——重读张奠宙先生“数学素质教育设计”一文的思考
3.Mathematics For All, Mathematics Application and Humanism Education must be strengthened.随着知识经济的到来,数学教育的地位将更加突出,大众数学观念将更加深入人心,数学知识的应用将更加重要,数学教育中的科学人文精神将更加显现,数学技术必将走进数学教育。
