智勇,wisdom and bravery
1)wisdom and bravery智勇
1.It put forward a way of cultivating gentlemen s personality which has a "benevolence" core,a manifestation of "ceremony",the basic requirements of "loyal and filially piety" and a supplementary of "faithful,loyal,wisdom and bravery".论述孔子思想理念中所要构建的君子人格体系,分析君子人格的构成要素及内在联系,提出培育以"仁"为核心、以"礼"为表现形式、以"忠孝"为基本要求、以"信义智勇"为补充的君子人格,并阐明培养君子人格的历史意义和对现代社会的启示。
2.Without the trait of wisdom and bravery, we can neither face the complex international and domestic environment, nor create a new friendly relationship between China and Japan, nor can we co-ordinate people-to-people contact.智勇,是《易传》政治伦理思想的重要组成部分,也是对中日两国有着深刻影响的、带有共同性的道德规范。

1.He gave an example of bravery and wisdom.他是个智勇双全的典型。
2.At the same time a fighter must possess wisdom and courage.同时,一个战士还要机智勇敢。
3.This scout is brave and resourceful, able to cope with unexpected conditions.这位侦察员机智勇敢,善于随机应变。
4.XIAO Hong:a Wise Brave between Nation and Women?萧红:民族与女性之间的“大智勇者”?
5.Looking the Television Program Shape Innovation from "Brave Flushes Greatly from Wisdom Closes"从《智勇大冲关》看电视节目形态创新
6.What we can ask for is generals who are brave and sagacious and who normally win their battles in the course of a war, generals who combine wisdom with courage.我们要求在战争过程中一般地打胜仗的勇敢而明智的将军——智勇双全的将军。
7.The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也;
8.The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom,sincerity, Benevolence, courage and strictness.将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也。
9.muster the courage to do something; she rallied her intellect; Summon all your courage.鼓足勇气做事情;鼓足你的勇气;鼓足智慧。
10.The wisdom to learn from experience, the courage to push the limits.从经历中锤炼智慧,有勇气挑战极限。
11.Our soldiers and cadres are resourceful and brave and dare to look death in the face.我们的战士和干部机智,勇敢,不怕死。
12.It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer that we got this far睿智的勇士又怎能不万分眷恋!
13.Courage and wisdom will carry us through all difficulties勇气和智慧会使我们克服一切困难。
14.He is both brave and steady, and is highly regarded by his general.此人沉勇有智谋, 很受将军的器重。
15.Hence his victories Bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage.故善战之胜也,无智名,无勇功。
16.The bold and brilliant dream still awaits its consummation.这个勇敢明智的理想仍有待实现。
17.On the Relationship between Contingency Awarencess & Mercifulness,Wise and Brave权变意识与“仁、智、勇”三达德关系探析
18.Resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties; spirit.勇气,胆量在困难面前足智多谋的勇气和胆量;精力

zhi ren yong智 仁 勇
3)Both intelligent and Brave智勇兼备
4)be brave and resourceful机智勇敢
5)brave and resourceful智勇双全
6)Wisdom and courage智慧和勇气

《智勇的王子希热图》  蒙古族英雄史诗。流传于内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟一带。甘珠尔扎布搜集整理,胡尔查译为汉文。史诗描写特古斯可汗的王子希热图践约赴太阳国(部落)娶亲,岳父太阳国王食言拒婚,以"好汉的三种竞赛"刁难女婿。希热图智勇双全,在赛马、射箭、摔跤竞赛中连连取胜,终于同海丽茹公主成婚,双双返回故乡。但是他的故乡已被十二首魔鬼捣毁,年迈的父母沦为魔窟的牧奴。希热图在父亲的指点下,连续消灭了魔鬼灵魂的化身──八大精灵,最后杀死魔鬼,解救出父母和大批受难的奴隶,从此永享太平。这篇史诗是较晚期的作品,反映了阶级分化出现后氏族社会末期或奴隶社会初期的社会生活图景。主人公希热图是部落征伐或奴隶主兼并战争中代表正义和人民力量的英雄,魔鬼则是社会邪恶势力、凶残的奴隶主,以及狂暴的自然力的象征性形象。史诗气势雄浑,语言瑰丽,对社会生活的真实描绘同浪漫主义的幻想相结合,是蒙古族中篇史诗中的代表作。