主静,tranquility proposition
1)tranquility proposition主静
1.His "tranquility proposition" cultivation thoughts reformed the new way of Confucianism cultivation theory.陈献章是宋明理学史上一位转变风气的人物,他的"主静"特色修养论,为儒家修养论开辟了新的路径。
2.Cheng Bai Sha s tranquility proposition is the important part in his theoretical system, which is heavily colored and influenced by Taoism.陈白沙的主静说是其心学思想体系的重要理论,而这一理论具有浓厚的道家学说的色彩,受到了道家思想的影响。

1.Pursuing Tao in the tranquility:Chen Xianzhang s "Tranquility Proposition" Confucianism Cultivation Theory;以静求道:陈献章主静特色的儒家修养论
2."...Our General endures every pain, every hardship, Commanded to settle the dust along the Border."亚相勤王甘苦辛, 誓将报主静边尘
3.To inject(a drug, such as heroin)directly into a major vein.把(毒品,例如海洛因)直接注射入主静
4.Analysis about the Characteristics of Tragedy and the Intuition Creed of the 《And Quite flows the Don》;浅析《静静的顿河》的悲剧性和直觉主义
5.answered the shopkeeper calmly,店主平静地回答说,
6.a religious mystic who follows quietism.追随寂静主义的宗教神秘主义者。
7.You must devise a way so that you sleep a little if he is quiet and steady.你应该想主意,在它安安静静的时候睡一会儿。
8.It is just the electrostatic discharge (ESD) result in the harm.在电子工业中,静电危害主要表现为静电放电。
9.The Study of Major Pharmacodynamics in Compare Jingxin Oral Liquid with Jingxin Grains;静心口服液与静心颗粒主要药效学比较研究
10.An Anatomic Study on Major Hepatic Veins and Short Hepatic Veins;主肝静脉和肝短静脉的应用解剖学研究
11.Three Traitresses: a Feminism Criticism on "Quiet Flows the Don;三个叛逆的女性——《静静的顿河》的女性主义批评
12.When she had composed herself again, the princess said,当她再度恢复镇静时,公主说:
13.The main toxicities were myelotoxicity and phlebitis.主要毒副反应为骨髓抑制和静脉炎。
14.The chairman tried to settle the audience down, ie get them to stop talking, etc.主席尽力让听众安静下来.
15.The chairman tried to settle the audience down.会议主席试图让听众安静下来。
16.The chairman silenced the meeting.主席让参加会议的人安静。
17.The installation over, the town waited to see its bishop at work.部署既毕,全城静候主教执行任务。
18.The voice of our dean sobered him a little.主任的声音使他平静了一些。

1.The “primitive”is a cosmos born, the “ultimate”is that nature and manunite as one—Zhujing that is to cultivate mind.“原始”是宇宙生成;“反终”是天人合一——主静,主静即是养心。
3)static and dynamic learning主静与主动
1.And moreover, the paper considers the relationships between literacy and pragmatism, and static and dynamic learning as significant components of Yan Yuan s educational thoughts.颜元生活的时代背景和个人际遇对其思想的形成起了至关重要的作用 ,对读书与致用的关系及主静与主动的关系的探讨是颜元教育思想的重要组成部分 ,客观地评价分析颜元的教育思想 ,对现今教育改革具有重要借鉴意
4)main hepatic vein主肝静脉
5)keeping calmness free from desire去欲主静
6)conception of tranquility主静观

主静  中国宋代理学家周敦颐提出的一种修养方法。周敦颐认为人性原是善的,偏离中道便会成恶。周敦颐特别强调:"中也者,和也,中节也,天下之达道也"。在他看来,要想使善不转化成为恶,就要做到"中和"与"中节"。而要想达到"中和"的道德境界,必须在修养上坚持"主静"的原则。他说:"圣人定之以中正仁义,而主静,立人极焉"(《太极图说》)。怎么才能做到"主静"呢?周敦颐的解释是:"无欲故静","无欲则静虚而动直"。他认为"无欲"是"主静"的重要条件。又是成圣人的基本途径。    周敦颐宣扬 "无欲"、"主静" 的僧侣主义哲学,始终与成圣成贤联系在一起,以便同佛、道划清界线。朱熹曾经谈到:程颐觉得周敦颐过分强调"虚静"有些过偏,乃将"主静"改为"主敬",以免堕入释老,产生误会。但不论"主静"或者"主敬",都是脱离实际,强调精神作用为主的唯心的修养方法。