《连丛子》,Lian Cong Zi
1)Lian Cong Zi《连丛子》
1.The Theory and Ethos of Character Judgement in Lian Cong Zi and the End of Eastern Han《连丛子》人物品鉴理论与汉末人物评论之风

1.The Theory and Ethos of Character Judgement in Lian Cong Zi and the End of Eastern Han《连丛子》人物品鉴理论与汉末人物评论之风
2.Fenoxaprop applied singly or sequentially controlled barnyardgrass and bearded sprangletop,but failed to control flatsedges or Eclipta.(口恶)草丙单一或连续使用能有效防除稗草和丛生千金子,但不能防除莎草和鳢肠。
3.Roses cluster round the window.玫瑰花绕着窗子丛生。
4.Not so fast, jungle boy.Move! Move!别跑这么快, 丛林小子.
5.The jungle is home to a tiger and a lion.丛林是老虎和狮子的家。
6.Lions and elephants are lords of the jungle.狮子和大象乃丛林之王。
7.You see that forsythia bush beside the door?你看见门边的连翘树丛了吗?
8.The gardener replanted the disrooted shrubbery.园丁把被连根拔起的灌木丛种回原处。
9.Second Thoughts on the Relations of the Series of the Chu Slips in Guodian;郭店楚简《语丛一、三》编连问题再思考
10.The bulbs were over. All that remained of them were clumps of brown leaves.这些鳞茎死了,剩下的只是一丛丛的黃叶子。
11.(botany; of certain seeds as of cotton) having a tuft or tufts of hair.(植物学;指例如棉花种子等某些种子)有丛状物或者丛状毛发。
12.Ecological Characteristics and Rehabilitation under Disturbance of Rhododendron Shrub in Eastern Qilian Mountains;东祁连山杜鹃灌丛生态特征及受损恢复的研究
13.Interspecific relationships of Vitex negundo var. heterophylla community of Taihang Mountain in Shanxi Province山西太行山峡谷区荆条灌丛种间连接性研究
14.Effect of Brachial Plexus Block on Shoulder-hand Syndrome连续臂丛阻滞用于肩-手综合征镇痛疗效观察
15.Studies on AM Fungal Spore Germination and Effects of Flavonoids on AM Formation;丛枝菌根真菌孢子萌发及类黄酮对丛枝菌根形成影响的研究
16.He passed through the bushes into the neighbouring lot.他穿过灌木丛,进了邻家的院子。
17.Be careful here, there are lions prowling about in the bush.当心,这里有狮子在灌木丛中觅食。
18.There is no plex record associated with this subdisk.没有跟这个子磁盘相关联的丛记录。

3)Continuous brachial连续臂丛
5)immersed subbundles浸入子丛
1.The immersed subbundles of free bundles and the immersed free subbundles of any module bundles are constructed,by using theoretics of tensor and module algebra.利用张量和模代数知识,构造出了自由丛的浸入子丛和任一模丛的浸入子自由丛。
6)Kong Cong Zi《孔丛子》
1.Kong Cong Zi and Issue of Zi Si s Birthday;《孔丛子》与子思生年问题
2.The Written Time and the Author of Xiao Er Ya and the Relationship between It and Kong Cong Zi《小尔雅》成篇时代与作者及其与《孔丛子》之关系

臂丛臂丛 是位于颈根部上下的重要神经丛,由颈5至胸1,神经的前支组成,主要支配肩及上肢的感觉和运动。