慎战,being cautious in war
1)being cautious in war慎战
1.The thinking of being cautious in war is one of the essences of Military Science of Sun Tzu which is considered as "holy book of military science".慎战思想是"兵学圣典"《孙子兵法》的精髓之一,而中国核战略文化从产生的那一刻起就深深浸润着重战、慎战的理想追求。

1.Sun Tzu s Idea of "Being Serious,Being cautious and Being Good at Fighting" and Its Contemporary values;孙子的“重战、慎战、善战”思想及其当代价值
2.Valour will fight, but discretion will run away.英勇善战斗,谨慎会脱逃。
3.a prudent manager; prudent rulers; prudent hesitation; more prudent to hide than to fight.谨慎的管理者;谨慎的管理者;谨慎的犹豫;更加谨慎的隐藏而不是战斗。
4.The careless handling of international relations can set off a war.国际关系处理不慎可能引发战争。
5.Careless political action can trigger off a war.不慎重的政治行动能引发一场战争。
6.The Enterprise of Run by The Local People Should Select Carefully Pluralistic Operating Strategy;民营企业应慎重选择多元化经营战略
7.The whole Party should try earnestly and painstakingly to make a success of its united front work.全党都要认真地、谨慎地做好统一战线工作。
8.Our initial strategic objectives had to be carefully calculated.我们最初的战略目标,必须审慎妥当计划。
9.Reflections on the State-owned Commercial Banks Reform;国有商业银行改革应慎重引进外国战略投资者
10.I could understand how she would become defensive and intimidated.我完全懂得她们是怎么变得谨小慎微,战战兢兢的了。
11.After all, when there is a need to spread the secrets of revolution in a hurry, one cannot be that picky in one's choice of fighters, and can only hope that all who join up are good comrades.急于宣传革命的机关,不能极谨慎的选择战士,愿意投来的都是同志。
12.Murray or sanguine- Not hasty in battle, and yet a victor.血红色-征在战场上向来应对谨慎,却依然总受到胜利之神眷顾的人。
13.He could have timed his moment to declare war on Hitler with art and care.他本可以机智而又慎重地选择恰当的时机向希特勒宣战。
14.At length-about two years ago-after much study and many private consultations, a plan of campaign was evolved.结果--大约两年前--经过慎重考虑和多次密商,拟出了一个作战计划。
15.Many bourgeois military experts advise caution in the initial battle, whether one is on the strategic defensive or on the strategic offensive, but more especially when on the defensive.许多资产阶级军事家都主张慎重初战,不论在战略防御或战略进攻皆然,而以防御为尤甚。
16.In military affairs, this maxim means solving disputes by non-military means, being wary of war and strategically gaining mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck.这种思想表现在军事上,就是主张用非军事手段来解决争端、慎重对待战争和战略上后发制人。
17.Care in choosing.审慎选择时的小心谨慎
18.Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.择友宜慎,弃友宜更慎。

the discreet penalty and the discreet death penalty慎刑慎杀
1.The basic idea of the discreet penalty and the discreet death penalty in criminal procedure is an important part of our traditional legal culture,and it has a long history.慎刑慎杀的刑事诉讼基本理念是我国传统法律文化的重要组成部分,经过长期发展,延续至今。
3)To exercise caution in speech and conduct慎言慎行
4)Use with caution慎用
1.Examination of Shendu in Confucianism from the modern perspective;儒家“慎独”思想的现代反思
2.On the Shendu Spirit of the Subject-introverted Mind in the Confucian Philosophy;浅议传统儒家主体内向思维框架内的慎独精神
6)Change with caution慎变

《论游击战与运动战》《论游击战与运动战》On Guerrilla Warfare and Mobile Warfare  Lun Youiizhan yu YundongzhQn《论游击战与运动战》(口。GueWa响re andMobilewa响re)文11伯于游击战与运动战原理和指导原则问lltl关的反的之入》。乙红,129为3戈的戈的壬务戈两巨规乍战七其缝现E规 突「分, 主勺原力,灸抗耳队民是力战拉动 要卜要粉敌 都军事著作。最早发表于1 938年3月出沼《战术研究资料》。全文约6 200字,明1992年12月出版的《刘伯承军事文迭 为了总结抗日战争九个月来的经惬指导部队的作战行动,当时任八路军契师师长的刘伯承撰写了该文。文章共分部分。第1部分,“对于游击战与运动{一般了解”。主要阐述r游击战与运动l区别。由于兵力大小、指挥方式、作战1和作用等的不同,构成游击战与运动{种不同的作战形式。游击战属于非」战,运动战属于正规战。贯穿这两种{形式的“环”是“机动”,八路军作战要讲机动。第2部分,“敌人在作战中二的特点”。主要分析厂浸华日军长于」战,害怕游击战,_七要采取速战速决,贯攻击、夺l亏点线等作战特点。第3部“现在我们应进行的游击战与运动战”‘要论述了组织和进行游击战、运动战(则及方法。游击战不是单纯的军事行i其基本任务是:公开或秘密地发展民二战组织,特别是武装组织,配合正规生消灭和消耗敌人。抗战民众运动的发j进行游击战和运动战的重要条件。运J通常是大踏步地前进或后退,要把握性、秘密性、迅速性、’轶持性和于脆性善于寻找甚至创造敌人的弱点;选择突击方向,选择集中主力的地点,突1人的弱点。无论是游击战还是运动战,要速战速决。 《论游击战与运动战》从理论和实l结合上回答了组织和进行游击战与运;的基本问题,丰富了中国共产党及其军队的游击战和运动战理论。 (捧洪岁的战民曳“刃气的