价值世界,value world
1)value world价值世界
1.Although the natural value theory of non-anthropocentric environment ethics has a certain impact to the basic idea of the philosophical axiology,it can t tell the difference between physical world and value world as the philosophical axiology does,thus sinking into the predicament of dualism.非人类中心主义环境伦理学的自然价值论,虽然对哲学价值论的基本观念有一定的冲击,但不能从哲学价值论的高度来区分物理世界和价值世界,陷入了二元论困境。

1.The metaphysical value is both linked with the transcendence and related to the present world.价值世界既是超验的,又与现实世界相关涉。
2.World outlook; Outlook on life; values世界观,人生观,价值观
3.The World Economic Justice and its Ethical Value for the Reconstruction of a Harmonious World;世界经济正义及其对建设和谐世界的伦理价值
4.The Theoretical and Practical Values of the Thought of "History of the World" by Marx;马克思“世界历史”思想的理论价值和实践价值
5.one of the world's most important commercial fishes.世界上商业价值最高的鱼之一。
6.There needs to be a review of the value attributed to the natural world.需要重新评判自然世界的固有价值。
7.help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观
8.to maintain the correct values and world outlook保持正确的价值观和世界观
9.Life World and the Realization of the Value of Ideological and Political Education;生活世界与思想政治教育价值的实现
10.Marx s World History Theory and Contemporary Value;马克思的世界历史理论及其当代价值
11.The value promise and realistic prospect of the building of a harmonious world;构建和谐世界的价值承诺与现实图景
12.The Outstanding Universal Value of "The Sacred Five Mountains of China";作为整体的“中国五岳”之世界遗产价值
13.Analysis on the Value of World Nature Heritage in Kanas and Study on Its Conservation and Development;喀纳斯世界遗产价值分析与保护开发
14.Post-Modern Essence and Value of Tao;“道”世界观的后现代品格及其价值
15.On the Current Value-orientation of College Entrance Examination Reforms All Over the World;论当代世界各国高考改革的价值取向
16.Trotsky s World-History Theory and Its Contemporary Enlightenment;托洛茨基的世界历史理论及当代价值
17.The Cultural and Academic Relevance of World Music Studies;世界音乐研究的学术价值和文化意义
18.Ecological Cultural World Outlook and Cultural Value Orientation;试论生态文化世界观与文化价值取向

world heritage values世界遗产价值
3)new world of value新的价值世界
4)The value-analysing of the "legacy of the world""世界遗产"价值分析
5)world of survival value人的生存价值世界
6)World outlook outlook on life values世界观人生观价值观

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分