彖传,Tuan zhuan
1)Tuan zhuan彖传
1.CHEN Gu-ying argued that Yi zhuan should be attributed to Daoism in his articles of “Tuan zhuan and Lao-Zhuang” and “Daoist Flavor in the Thinking Mode in Tuan zhuan”.本文从陈鼓应先生论证“《易传》道家说”的重点文章《〈彖传〉与老庄》、《〈彖传〉的道家思维方式》出发,不仅指出其论据方面的不足,而且指出其论证方法是使用“丐辞”、“默证”。

1.On the Formation Time of Tuan zhuan through the Chu Bamboo Slips Manuscript of Fanwu Liuxing从楚简《凡物流形》看《彖传》的成书年代
2.Psaaing the ball(the volleypass and the dig pass).传球(凌空传球和垫传)。
3.To pass(the ball) sideways or backward.将(球)横传或回传
4.summon(sb)with a subpoena(用传票)传唤(某人)
5."History become legend, legend become myth...""历史流传成了传说,传说流传成了神话.."
6.A collection or body of legends.传说,传奇,传奇故事传奇故事集或传说本身
7.isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease.隔离防止传染病的传播。
8.hydraulically driven水压传动的液压传动的
9.mass transfer coefficient质量传递系数,传质系数
10.Celebrated in legend.传奇的传说中有名的
11.The act of conveying or delivering.传递或传送的行为.
12.The act or process of transmitting; a transmission.传送传递的行为或过程
13.Transmission of messages by radiotelegraphy.用无线电传真传送信息
14.weather teletype and facsimile system气象电传与传真系统
15.gear wheel drive齿轮传动齿轮传动装置
16.angle ratio of steering linkage转向传动机构角传动比
17.internal mass and heat transfer反应相内传质和传热
18.external mass and heat transfer反应相外传质和传热

A textual research on the meter and rhyme scheme in Tuan zhuan《彖传》韵考
1.Textual Research on “notes and commentaries not annotations of the Text Book of Mao’s Explanation” by Mr Han Zheng-rong,Zhang Li-wen got the conclusion that “the notes and commentaries not annotations” wasn’t “the notes that didn’t explains the biography” but it is that “the notes did not ekplain the commentaryof the text.前修未密、后出转精,《笺》“宗毛为注”而有所发展,或申明毛说,或订正其讹,所以,正如《笺》对于《传》来说,以传承为主,《正义》对于《笺》来说也是以传承为主,皆势所必然也,并非孔颖达在整体上存心“抑毛扬郑”也。
4)commentaries on classics传
1.The style of commentaries on classics has the quality of making comments on the classics from stories and history facts.传体具有以故事、史实发明经义的性质。
2.This paper is composed of four parts:First: the style of commentaries on classics in the Western Han Dynasty and Han-shi wai-zhuan.《韩诗外传》是西汉三家《诗》学唯一流传下来的作品,在《诗经》学史上有重要价值。
1.On the Novel Characteristic of Hou Fang_yu s Biography;论侯方域《壮悔堂文集》中传的“小说气”
2.In the late Ming and early Qing Dynastical,the biography style has been of great importance in the literati,and its creative emergence was showing a trend.明清之际,传体文备受文人重视,其创作也呈现出勃兴之势,具有丰富的文化蕴涵。
6)heat and mass transfer传热传质
1.Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer Behavior of the PTA Oxidation Reaction Condensers;PTA氧化反应冷凝器传热传质行为分析
2.Theoretical model for calculation of the characteristics of heat and mass transfer for the slurry droplets;雾滴传热传质特性的理论计算模型
3.Analysis of heat and mass transfer on cornea in vacuum freeze-drying experiment;角膜真空冷冻干燥实验的传热传质分析
