大丈夫,true man
1)true man大丈夫
1.Based on the theoretical foundation of "the goodness belief",he created "true man" ideal personality,and suggest the method of deliberately custody,gas-dependant,reverse all the cultivation to achieve its "true man" ideal personality.孟子从"性善论"的理论基础出发,塑造了"大丈夫"的理想人格,并提出通过存心养性、持志养气、反求诸己的修养方法实现其"大丈夫"的理想人格。

1.You speak like a man of spirit.你说的话真象个大丈夫
2.Sonny's death too, had been a disaster.简言之,没有大丈夫气概。
3.A man's got to get out.大丈夫,应当出去闯荡。
4.Be a man ! ie Be brave.要做个大丈夫(拿出勇气来)!
5.The purest gold is the most ductile.纯金最韧(大丈夫能屈能伸)。
6.Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.以德报德是常理,以德报怨大丈夫
7.A gentleman must be flexible.He decided he would let Hung-chien teach for the remainder of the semester.大丈夫能屈能伸,他让鸿渐教完这学期。
8.a man should have the courage to take the blame for what he does.男子汉,大丈夫,一人做事一人当。
9."Come," said he to himself, "be a man.“嗨,”他对自己说,“我是一个男子汉大丈夫
10.Be a man, do not take offence at these women!男子汉大丈夫, 别跟娘们儿一般见识!
11.She shouted to her husband.她冲着她丈夫大嚷大叫。
12.My elder sister is one year older than her husband.我姐比他丈夫大一岁。
13.My husband is a five years older than me.我丈夫比我大五岁。
14.How old is her husband?她丈夫多大年纪了?
15.It was my husband's fervent wish.这是我丈夫最大的愿望。
16.You put the lid on it when you asked her where her husband was. He's been in prison for the last six months.你问她丈夫在哪儿可是大错而特错。她丈夫已经蹲了半年大牢了。
17.She kicked up such a fuss when her husband returned home late.她丈夫回家晚了,她便大吵大闹起来。
18.Her rude husband bawled for his dinner.她那粗鲁的丈夫大声喊着要吃饭。

3)men generosity大丈夫胸襟
1.The excellence of works respond to beauty of personality,and her works explain personality charm from beauty of oriental women,brilliant personality,men generosity and so on.李清照在其作品彰显了自己的人格魅力,其作品的美与人格的美内外呼应、互为表里,从东方女性美、个性的大胆张扬、大丈夫胸襟等方面论述了李清照作品所显示的人格魅力。
4)A dignified gentleman堂堂大丈夫
5)A gentleman adapts himself to circumstances.大丈夫相时而动
6)A great man knows when to yield and when not大丈夫能屈能伸
