蝴蝶梦,Butterfly Dream
1)Butterfly Dream蝴蝶梦
1.The Butterfly Dream: A Feminist Reconstruction of the Discourse of Sex and Morality in Chinese Drama;《蝴蝶梦》与中国戏剧中有关性与道德话语的女性重构

1.It was fortunate of Chuangtse to dream of being a butterfly, but a misfortune for the butterfly to dream of being Chuangtse.庄周梦为蝴蝶,庄周之幸也;蝴蝶梦为庄周,蝴蝶之不幸也。
2.On Zhuangzi s Dream of Changing into A Butterfly;论庄子的蝴蝶梦——人生在梦幻中超越
3.Awakening and Maturity After the Nightmare in Manderley--On the Techniques Used in Rebecca to Highlight the Theme of Growth;蝴蝶梦魇过后的觉醒与成熟——试析《蝴蝶梦》的成长主题及其凸显
4.The Ethical Principles in Daphne du Maurier:A Case Study of Rebecca;从《蝴蝶梦》看达夫妮·杜穆里埃的伦理观
5.Random Talk about Complicated Legal Cases--Taking Butterfly Dream by Guan Han-qing as an example;公案戏杂谈——以关汉卿的《蝴蝶梦》为例
6.A Continuation and Transmission of Literature from Heart to Heart;心灵的传承——试论《简爱》对《蝴蝶梦》的影响
7.On the Women Writers Identity Anxiety through Jane Eyre and Rebecca;透过《简·爱》与《蝴蝶梦》看女性作家的身份焦虑
8.Comparison of Gothic style writing of Rebecca and Jane Eyre;《蝴蝶梦》和《简·爱》中哥特式写作手法的比较
9.As soon as the filming was finished,Vivien did a screen test for the film,Rebecca.电影刚拍摄完毕,费雯丽便马上为电影《蝴蝶梦》试镜。
10.She has well performed in many plays including New Butterfly Dream, Lan-ke Mountain, Brrowing Tea, Perfect Time, etc.她在《新蝴蝶梦》、《烂柯山》、《思凡》、《借茶》和《佳期》等剧中都有出色的表演。
11.But she does this quite well,just as she did in "Rebecca".不过她在这部片子里的表现和她在《蝴蝶梦》中的一样好。
12.The Butterfly Dream: A Feminist Reconstruction of the Discourse of Sex and Morality in Chinese Drama;《蝴蝶梦》与中国戏剧中有关性与道德话语的女性重构
13.Literary Symbolization for Female Characters--on Daphne du Maurier s Rebecca;塑造女性角色的文学象征手法——评达夫妮·杜穆里埃的《蝴蝶梦
14.Rebecca:A Heroine Who is Deprived of the Right of"Speaking";被剥夺话语权的吕蓓卡——《蝴蝶梦》中吕蓓卡的形象分析
15.Affairs of Human Life Are Like a Dream,Just Singing Sorrowful Poetry--On Xin Qiji s Life Tragedy;世事庄周蝴蝶梦 春愁臣甫杜鹃诗——论辛弃疾的人生悲剧
16.Hidden" Characters--The Comparison of Writing Techniques between The Scarlet Letter,The Thorn Birds and Rebecca;“隐蔽”的主人公——《红字》、《荆棘鸟》与《蝴蝶梦》的写作手法比较
17.Zhuang Zhou s Butterfly Dream" --On the Reason Why Zuangzhi "Refused to Be an Official for Life;“庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶”——论庄子“终身不仕”的原因
18.A small blue butterfly of the family Lycaenidae.蓝蝶灰蝶科的小蓝蝴蝶

1.The Ethical Principles in Daphne du Maurier:A Case Study of Rebecca;从《蝴蝶梦》看达夫妮·杜穆里埃的伦理观
2.The Understanding of the Image of "Sea" in Rebecca;试析《蝴蝶梦》中大海的意象
3.Comparison of Gothic style writing of Rebecca and Jane Eyre;《蝴蝶梦》和《简·爱》中哥特式写作手法的比较
3)Butterfly, Butterfly,蝴蝶,蝴蝶,
1.Effect of non-smooth scale on surface wettability of butterfly wings;蝴蝶翅膀表面非光滑鳞片对润湿性的影响
2.Biomimetic mechanics of micro-air vehicles——the aerodynamic force of butterfly in forward flight;微型飞行器的仿生力学——蝴蝶飞行的气动力特性
3.Community structure and diversity of butterfly in Guangzhou City of China;广州市蝴蝶群落结构与多样性
1.Objiect:Study the genetic diversity of the butterflies in Houhe National Nature Reserve.结论:利用相似性系数及遗传距离进行的聚类分析结果,这两种蝴蝶的不同季节种群的遗传组成存在季节变化。
1.The earliest sense of linguistic deconstruction gets embodied in Wang Meng’s novel Butterfly publis.当代最早的在语言层面上的解构主义意识 ,可以从王蒙发表在 1 980年的一篇小说《蝴蝶》中得到阐解印证。
