尚秉和,SHANG Bing-he
1)SHANG Bing-he尚秉和
1.An Analysis of SHANG Bing-he s Thought of Yi-ology;尚秉和之“阴阳相须”易理思想辨析
2.Interpreting divination examples with images of the hexagrams: On Mr. SHANG Bing-he s interpretations on the divination examples illustrated in Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu;以象解筮的探索——论尚秉和先生对《左传》《国语》筮例的阐解

1.An Analysis of SHANG Bing-he s Thought of Yi-ology;尚秉和之“阴阳相须”易理思想辨析
2.Interpreting divination examples with images of the hexagrams: On Mr. SHANG Bing-he s interpretations on the divination examples illustrated in Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu;以象解筮的探索——论尚秉和先生对《左传》《国语》筮例的阐解
3.The Formation of Su Bingqi’s Theory System and Two Unsolved Issues--Su Bingqi and the Origin of Chinese Civilization;苏秉琦学术体系的形成和尚待研究证实的两个问题——苏秉琦与中国文明起源研究
4.He was kindly and took an interest in his personnel.他秉性和蔼,关心手下的工作人员。
5.His irritability canceled out his natural kindness他的激动易怒抵消了他和气的秉性。
6.I have as much of my father in me as you.我秉受父亲的遗传和你一样多。
7.Career Planning for Vocational College Students Employment;秉持和谐理念 科学指导高职生就业
8.Promote Olympic Spirit and Build Harmonious Culture;秉承奥林匹克精神 构建和谐文化
9.Special Gift, Wang Zengqi and His "Gaoyou Story";“异秉”:汪曾祺和他的“高邮故事”
10.Grasping the chance of king's exploitation abilities, inheriting the emperor's elegant styles, Pairui Ceramics will prove the ceramics culture splendidly again!秉系王者开拓锋芒,继承皇家典雅风尚,派瑞陶瓷将见证陶瓷文明再度辉煌!
11.In future, he said, his rule would be guided by“ morality, honesty and ethics”.今后,他将秉承“道德、信和操守”的原则行事。
12.His natural gifts and exceptional diligence immediately brought out his talent.先天的秉赋和超人的刻苦,使他很快崭露头角。
13.Upholding Harmonious Concept To Properly Handle Current Contradictions in Social Life;秉持和谐理念,妥善处理当前社会生活中的矛盾
14.Reconstruction the Frame of the Ancient Chinese History and Research of the Origin of Chinese Civilization;苏秉琦重建中国古史框架的努力和中国文明起源研究——苏秉琦与中国文明起源研究之五
15.one boy is a boy; two boys half boy; three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃,
16.One boy be a boy , two boy half a boy , three boy no boy .一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。
17.One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。
18.Following the 100 years′ tradition of fine craftsmanship and its unrivaled elegance秉承百年精打细造的优秀传统和非凡的尊贵气质

worship harmony尚和
3)Buddhist monk和尚
1.Molecular Mapping of a Stripe Rust Resistance Gene in Heshangmai Wheat;和尚麦中抗条锈基因的SSR标记定位研究
5)Heshang Cave和尚洞
1.Study on High-Resolution Carbon, Oxygen Isotope and Trace Element Records and Paleoclimate from Heshang Cave, the Middle Reach of the Yangtse River;长江中游和尚洞石笋的高分辨率同位素、微量元素记录及古气候研究
6)"shang-he" thinking"尚和"思维

叶公秉王仲至见和次韵答之【诗文】:AA33絺方暑亦堪朝,岁晚凄风忆皂貂。共喜鹓鸾归禁御,心知日月在重霄。君如老骥初遭络,我似枯桑不受条。强镊霜须簪彩胜,苍颜得酒尚能韶。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十七