自然本能,natural instinct
1)natural instinct自然本能
1.Based on Lawrence s three important works,this paper analyzes the influence of his growing-up environments on his ethics,the natural instinct notion embodied in his works and naturalist ethics,which will contribute to the understanding of Lawrence s ethics and his works.本文结合劳伦斯所创作的三部重要的作品,分析了成长环境对于劳伦斯道德观的影响及其作品所体现的自然本能观和自然主义道德观,从而更好地理解劳伦斯的道德观和他的文学作品。

1.The natural instinct of the human body is to throw out all invaders.人体的自然本能是排除一切入侵物。
2.The Chinese are friendly by nature(=because of their natural instincts).中国人秉性友善(=由于其自然本能)。
3.O Arjuna, the Vedic scriptures deal with subjects in the three modes of the material nature.阿诸那啊,《吠陀》经典是研究有关生命自然本能三性态的。
4.The presence of the unnatural awakens their most feral instincts.那些非自然的出现会唤醒他们的野性本能。
5.Spontaneous fellowship and sympathy among a number of people.本能的友情一群人自然产生的友谊和同情
6.Conduct or thought prompted by natural desires or instincts.本能行动自然愿望和直觉激起的行为和想法
7.If she went to a brothel, she'd have to turn over all her earnings to it as she had no capital and couldn't work for herself.想去下窑子,既然没有本钱,不能混自家的买卖,当然得押给班儿里。
8.We can take pride in our contribution but we should never confine ourselves to our own circles and shut ourselves from the rest of society.虽然新移民对本地作出了贡献,但不能因此固步自封,自我封闭。
9.technology can only simulate nature partially, but cannot recreate nature.技术本身不可能彻底消除技术事故和灾难; 技术可以局部模拟自然,不可能再造自然;
10.self-restoring capacity of nature自然的自我恢复能力
11.We cannot command Nature, except by obeying her.我们不能支配自然,只能顺应自然。
12.Not the less, however, the great, honest face of the people smiled -- grimly, perhaps, but widely too.然而,普通百姓那一本正经和老成持重的面孔上依然微笑着,虽说可能有点不自然,却也很开心。
13.Because their production and living conditions have not basically changed and they are not strong enough to fight natural calamities by themselves, these people will easily sink back into poverty once struck by natural disasters.由于生产生活条件尚未根本改变,抗御自然灾害的能力不强,一遇自然灾害,这部分人极易返贫。
14.Men turned to nature itself.人们开始面向自然本身。
15.clear drops of natural spring water滴滴清泉,自然本色
16.Shinto is the natural indigenous religion of Japan.日本之神道教是日本本土的自然教。
17.There are instants when nature seems hostile.有些人的本能常使他们感到自然界是含有恶意的。
18.By following their instinct, men are naturally attracted to the most fertile women around.男性听从本能,自然就会被吸引到最有生育力的女性身旁。

natural capital自然资本
1.Analysis on natural capital in Wuhan based on ecological footprint;基于生态足迹方法的武汉市自然资本分析
2.The Natural Capital Theory and Compensational Standards on Ecological Service Amid Regions;自然资本理论与生态服务跨区补偿标准
3.The Assessment of Regional Natural Capital and Sustainable Degree——A Case Study for Beijing区域自然资本与自然资本持续度评价——以北京市为案例
1.Discussion on ecological designing concept and idea of nature-orientation;浅析以自然为本的生态设计理念及思路
4)natural base自然本底
1.The author describes and beautifies these persons, which not only mocks the so-called normal persons, protests against the reality, criticizes the idea of right and wrong 、good and evil、beauty and ugliness which tie human being s nature, deplores the human alienation by the unreasonable way, but also displayed his philosophic thought: look upon all persons and things and objects equally from .作者描绘、美化这些人物,既是以非理性的方式对世俗所谓正常人的嘲弄,对现实的抗议,对束缚人的自然本性的是非善恶美丑观念的批判,对人性异化的痛心,也表现了他的哲学思想:从“道”的角度来平等地观照世间的人、事、物,取消是非善恶美丑等观念,解除功名利禄等身外之物对人性的束缚和戕害,以保持人的自然本性和自由精神。
6)nature noumenon自然本体
1.TAO Yuan-ming and his works are nature noumenon of his time.陶渊明及其作品是其生活时代的“自然本体”。

国际自然与自然资源保护联盟  由有志于自然保护的各国家成员、其他合作机构和有关的科学工作者组成。建于1948年。多年来,它与世界野生生物基金会、联合国各机构、各区域性组织和其他重要团体密切合作,开展全球性自然资源保护活动,属下有包括116个国家的537个会员组织。联盟大会、理事会和各专业委员会是其管理机构。执行机构为秘书处,总部设在瑞士的格兰德。下设由150多名专家组成的6个专业委员会,即:生态委员会,教育委员会,环境规划委员会,环境政策、法律、行政管理委员会,国家公园及保护区委员会;另外还有各种特设小组或由著名专家为审议重大问题而组成的顾问小组。联盟在非洲、中南美洲、北美洲与加勒比海、东亚、西亚、澳大利亚及大西洋、东欧、西欧等 8个地区还设区域顾问。联盟秘书处负责指导、督促各委员会及各区顾问的工作;推动各项计划的实施;支持各种项目的实施;组织制订保护法规等。全体会员代表大会每3年召开一次,选举新的主席和执行主席,研讨各种有关自然保护的技术问题。1979年,中国以国务院环境保护办公室的名义参加这个国际组织。1984年10月 5日联盟理事会第15次会议,通过决议接纳中国野生动物保护协会为联盟非政符团体会员。