卦序,order of the hexagrams
1)order of the hexagrams卦序

1.The thought of "three & five" and interchanging in the hexagrams order described in The Orderly Sequence;《序卦》卦序中的"参伍""错综"思想
2.The Ideology Reflected in Xu-gua of the Balance & Mutual Complementary of Yin and Yang and Changing with Changes of Seasons;《序卦》卦序中的阴阳平衡互补与变通配四时思想
3.To Study Thinking Logic in the Pre-Qin Period by Interpreting the Explanations of Hexagram of Tai and Pi and Their Order in Zhouyi从《泰》《否》卦辞及《周易》卦序解读先秦思维逻辑
4.Reconstruction and Study of a Matrix Formation of 64 Diagrams of the Book of Change.;“方阵”卦序的构拟及《周易》初始形态研究
5.On the special marks and the order of hexagrams in Zhouyi copied on the bamboo slips of Chu;楚竹书《周易》中的特殊符号与卦序问题
6.Xiangshu Bases on the Complication of Gua Xu to the Common Edition of "Zhou Yi;论今本《周易》卦序编纂的象数依据
7.A new probe into the mathematic principles dwellingin the hexagrams’ order of Zhouyi in current version;今本《周易》卦序排列数学规律新探
8.On the mathematical regularity of the order of the hexagrams of Zhouyi in the received version;序成六虚上下,数生太极乾坤——今本《周易》卦序排列数学规律三探
9.On the mathematic regulations conceived in the arrangement of the hexagrams order of Zhouyi in current version again;析其数之理,赏其序之美——今本《周易》卦序排列数学规律再探
10.The integrative significance of the special marks to the order of the hexagrams and the image-number system in Zhouyi on the bamboo slips of Chu;试论楚竹书《周易》红黑符号对卦序与象数的统合意义
11.A research on the mathematics foundation in the primordial Yi──on the primordial hexagrams order and binary system;先天易的数学基础初探——试论先天卦序与二进位制
12.The application of the structural mathematical model of the hexagrams sequence in the theory of strategic planning;“易卦”的序结构数学模型在对策理论中的应用
13.On the idea of excess and deficiency reflected in Hexagram Xiao Guo;论小过卦的过与不及——析小过卦卦爻辞
14.It is a long history for the Eight Diagrams to evolve into the Double Diagrams from the Single Diagram.八卦由单卦演变到重卦,是一个漫长的历史过程。
15.A new annotation on the text of Li Gua of Zhou Yi (the Book of Change) and its fourth Yang item.;《周易·离》卦卦辞及九四爻辞新诠
16.A clarification of the connotations of the hexagram of Gou :Simultaneously on the attitude and methods of studying the connotations of the hexagrams;《姤卦》意辨——兼谈卦意研究的态度和方法
17.Textual Research and Analysis on Contents of Eight-diagram Fist and Eight-diagram Palm;对八卦拳与八卦掌内容的考证与分析
18.On the Connotation of the Eight Trigram Palm--the directions of theories Yin-yang,Eight-trigram and Yi in the Eight Trigram Palm;八卦掌理论内涵初探——阴阳、八卦及易学思想在八卦掌中的指导作用

the hexagrams order in The Orderly Sequence《序卦》卦序
1.The Ideology Reflected in Xu-gua of the Balance & Mutual Complementary of Yin and Yang and Changing with Changes of Seasons;《序卦》卦序中的阴阳平衡互补与变通配四时思想
4)formula of the hexagrams order卦序公式
5)zone divisions序卦分区
6)the Orederly Sequence of the Hexagrams《序卦传》

交流电气化铁路的负序电流和负序电压交流电气化铁路的负序电流和负序电压the negative sequence current and voltage produced by AC elec-tric railway  处为最大,随着负序电流逐渐分散进人电力系统,系统各处的负序电压水平将逐渐下降。YN,d一l:v.v:单相平衡接线11:重臂负荷I]l=轻价负荷月=111/11两,负荷功率因教相同0。250。5751。0 图2不同接线牵引变电所的负序电流系数 允许标准不同类型发电机的负序承受能力不同,为此,首先应根据有关电机制造标准,选择允许的负序标准。在缺少电机制造标准规定时,可参照以下规定:当汽轮发电机在额定工况连续运行时,三相电流差不应超过10%,水轮发电机三相电流差不应超过20%;有关电力系统公共连接点的三相电压不平衡度,中国国家标准规定:“正常的电压不平衡度允许值为2%,短时不得超过4%”。 改善措施主要有: (1)对电气化铁路各牵引变电所实行进线相序轮换,减少电气化区段的综合负序。 (2)采用平衡接线变压器,常用的接线型式有斯科特、列布兰、变形伍德布里奇等方式。 (3)在受负序电流影响最大的电力系统分支回路中加装电抗器,以限制进人该支路的负序电流。i旧01一u dlanqihua tielu de fuxud一anl旧he fuxud一onya交流电气化铁路的负序电流和负序电压(thenegative Sequenee eurrent and voltage produeedby AC eleetrie railway)交流电气化铁路的单相牵引负荷会造成电力牵引变电所一次侧三相负荷电流不平衡,任一三相不平衡系统均可用对称分量法分解成正序、负序和零序三组对称分t的盈加,从而在电力系统中产生负序电流和负序电压.接人电力系统线电压间的单相负荷不产生零序分量,只有正序和负序分t。负序电流、负序电压的有害影响有: (l)可在同步发电机转子中产生附加损耗和局部发热,造成系统出力下降, (2)负序电流产生的负序转矩,使发电机振动,影响安全运行; (3)增大系统中各翰电环节的损耗; (4)负序电压的存在对系统中三相电动机用户产生不利影响,造成电动机三相电流不对称和附加损耗,使出力下降并危及电动机安全。 牵引变电所的负序电流电力牵引变电所负序电流取决于两供电臂负荷的相位和幅值,因此可以把牵引变电所看作是一个负序电流源. 图1示出变压器为YN,dll接线的三相牵引变电所在两份用电功率因数相同时的负序电流相盆图.图1的上方为臂电流和变压器二次绕组的三相电流相量;中间为正序电流相量;下方为负序电流相t.不同供电臂产生的负序电流有1200相位差。