基本涵义,basic meaning
1)basic meaning基本涵义

1.The formulation of the One-China Principle and its basic meaning.一个中国原则的产生和基本涵义
2.Study of the basic meanings of family property in Wei-Jinand Southern-Northern Dynasties;论魏晋南北朝时期“家业”的基本涵义
3.Commentary on the Study of the Basic Meaning of Urbanization;城市化"和"城镇化"基本涵义研究述评
4.Proposal of Concept on Grand Graduate Education Base and Tentative Study on its Basic Contents;研究生教育大基地的概念提出及基本涵义初探
5.Interest and Value-The Basic Innovation of Knowledge s Value in Education;兴趣与价值——试析教育领域知识价值的基本涵义
6.Basic concepts of popularization and the equity of health police pattern;普及性原则的基本涵义与公平性卫生政策模式
7.About the Basic Meanings & Features Suited to the Rules of WTO & China s Constitution;WTO规则和中国宪法适用的基本涵义及特点
8.The Political Civilization: Meaning, Construction and Basic Value Aim政治文明:涵义、结构和基本价值目标
9.The Connotation, Basic Elements and Generation of a Teacher s Educational Wisdom;教师教育智慧的涵义、基本要素及生成
10.The Advertisement and Intrinsicalness of Socialist Polictical Civilization;社会主义政治文明的提出与基本内涵
11.Studies on the Meanings of Country Laws and the Basic Contents and the Realistic Issues of Country Laws;农村法治涵义和基本内容及现实意义研究
12.On the Meaning & Basic Points of "Taking Person as the Foundation"under the Language Environment of "Three Representatives";“三个代表”语境下“以人为本”的涵义和基本要求
13.Research on the Basic Meaning and Evaluation Method of Generalized Service Quality;广义服务质量的基本内涵和评价思路探析
14.Profoundly Understanding the Basic Connotation and Character of socialist Ideology;深刻认识社会主义意识形态的基本内涵和特征
15.About the Basic Meaning of Socialist Way of Political Development with Chinese Characteristics;论中国特色社会主义政治发展道路的基本内涵
16.The "connoting-style" improvement is the key to educating and teaching reform of the Basic Principles of Marxism;“内涵式”提高:马克思主义基本原理教改的关键
17.On the Fundamental Connotation and History Position of Harmonious Society of Socialism;社会主义和谐社会的基本内涵与历史定位
18.Connotation & Characteristics of A Harmonious Socialist Society;论社会主义和谐社会的科学内涵和基本特征

essential meaning本质涵义
1.According to the latest development of curriculum meaning and the essential characteristics of physical education curriculum,the essential meaning of physical education curriculum should be merged.根据课程涵义的最新进展和体育课程的本质特征,我们认为,课程涵义的整合化是认识体育课程本质涵义的基础;体育课程本身是静态的,其意义生成的过程是动态的;体育课程改革要注重从“三位一体”之“和”走向学生主体发展之“谐”。
2.The phenomenon of inspiration in literature or art creation is the study object of the theory on inspiration in Chinese traditional aesthetic,which differs greatly from Western viewpoint that inspiration in art or literature creation is initiated by gods in the aspects,including mysterious resource,reason and material vehicle,subjective situation,and essential meaning of inspiration initiation.其一,灵感兴发的神秘源泉:体道通神;其二,灵感兴发的诱因和物质载体:自然万物;其三,灵感兴发的主体状态:葆真全性,回归自然;其四,灵感兴发的主观条件:凝神、妙悟;其五,灵感兴发的本质涵义:天人感应天人合一。
3.This paper shows the essential meaning of the employment-obtaining guidance for university students.本文揭示了大学生就业指导的本质涵义 ,大学生就业指导学的学科性质 ,大学生就业指导学建立的学科规范。
3)original implication本源涵义
1.Conjecturing the meaning from the form is one of the methods to find the original implication of tourism,as well as to understand the original meaning of the characters.汉字具有形义统一的特点,据形索义是解读字、词本义的重要方法,也是探讨旅游本源涵义的一种方法。
4)Fundamental connotation基本内涵
1.The paper analyzes the harmonious world from philosophy aspect on the basis of analyzing the cultural profoundness and fundamental connotation of harmonious world.文章在对和谐世界的文化底蕴和基本内涵分析的基础上,从哲学层面对和谐世界加以探讨。
2.Fully understanding the fundamental connotation of president responsibility system under the leadership of Party committees in universities and colleges,the author expounded that this leadership system which strengthens and improves the Party\'s leadership to colleges and universities is one of the most advanced and scientific so far.通过对我国高校实行的党委领导下的校长负责制基本内涵的全面梳理,阐明了这一领导体制是加强和改善党对高校领导的迄今为止最具先进性、科学性的领导体制;通过分析实行党委领导下的校长负责制区别于以往领导体制的崭新特点,揭示了这一体制与高校改革发展稳定的关系。
5)Basic meaning基本内涵
6)basic connotation基本内涵
1.Health thought and basic connotation of sport-type health preservation;“动形养生”健身思想及其基本内涵
2.This paper talks about the philosophical and ideological basis,basic connotation and cultivating goal of Rousseau s naturalism educational thought.本文对卢梭自然主义教育思想的哲学及思想基础、基本内涵和培养目的等问题加以论述。

城市规划实施管理的涵义时什么? 城市规划实施管理,就是按照法定程序编制和批准的城市规划,一句国家和各级政府颁布的城市规划管理有关法规和具体规定,采用法制、社会的、经济的、行政的、科学的管理方法,对城市的各项用地和当前建设活动进行统一的安排和控制,引导的和调节城市的各项建设事业有计划有秩序地协调发展,保证长生果后实施。 城市规划管理,包括城市规划编制管理、城市规划审批管理和城市规划实施管理等三部分。我们通常所说的城市规划管理,主要是指城市规划的实施管理,这是一项大量性的日常管理工作。城市规划管理是伴随着城市规划的编制、审批、实施的全过程而诞生、存在和延续的。城市规划一出现就具有管理的因素,城市规划是城市建设管理的基本前提和依据;城市规划管理是实施城市规划的保证手段,是城市规划的具体化。 城市规划实施管理是各级城市规划行政主管部门法定的职能管理工作。《城市规划法》第四章“城市规划的实施”对城市规划实施管理工作范畴、内容、方法和程序作了明确的规定。主要包括,一是建设用地规划管理,二是建设工程规划管理,三是规划实施的监督检查管理。并且明确规定了“一书两证”制度,即由城市规划行政主管部门签署选址意见书和核发建设用地规划许可证及建设工程规划许可证。城市规划区内的土地利用和各项建设必须符合城市规划,服从城市规划管理。