阳明学,Yangming Doctrine
1)Yangming Doctrine阳明学
1.Analysis on the Formation of Yangming Doctrine in Japan and Its Peculiar Features;日本阳明学独具的事功特色成因探析

1.To Show the Distinguishing Practical Feature of Japanese Yangming Doctrine Through Heihachiro Oshio;从大盐中斋看日本阳明学的事功特色
2.A comparative study of the Yangming school of moral education in China and Japan;中日阳明学派道德教育理念比较研究
3.Analysis on the Formation of Yangming Doctrine in Japan and Its Peculiar Features;日本阳明学独具的事功特色成因探析
4.The Influence of Yang-Ming Study on Japan s Modern Government;试述阳明学对日本现代化政权的催生
5.The Study of the Relation about the Seven-Person School and Yang Ming s Hsin Hsueh;七子派文学理论与阳明心学关系研究
6.The Literature Practice by WANG Yangming and Its Relationship with Psychology;王阳明的文学实践及其与心学的关系
7.The Relationship Between the "Back to the Ancients" Literary Drive and the Theory of Wang Yangming;明中叶"前七子"文学复古运动与阳明心学之关系
8.Soul and Spirit--On Yangming s school and the qualities of the literature in the late period of the Ming Dynasty;心灵与性灵——论阳明心学与晚明文学的特质
9.An Interpretation of Three Personality Models in Wang Yangming s Philosophical System--Concurrently Discussing the Ideal Personality of Wang Yangming;试析王阳明心学视域中的三种人格典范——兼论王阳明的理想人格
10.The Heritage and Development of Confucian Theory on Body and Skill Accomplished by Yangming阳明对儒学本体功夫论的继承和发展
11.Onto and Being: Two Aspects of One Body of Wang Yang-Ming s Philosophy;本体与存在:王阳明哲学的一体两面
12."The Learning of Fulfilling Nature and Gasping Destiny"--Exploring Yangming s Wisdom of Life and Death;“尽性至命之学”——阳明子生死智慧探微
13.Changed or Not Changed--On the Research Road of Wang Yangming;“变”还是没变?——也谈王阳明的为学历程
14.A Study of Wang Yangming s "Theory of Saints Being Equal to Plebeians" From the Angle of Personality Psychology;王阳明“圣凡平等论”的人格心理学解读
15.The Comparison of Wang Yangming and Johann Amos Comenjus View on Initiation Education;王阳明与夸美纽斯蒙学教育观的比较
16.On the Different Interpretations of Daxue between ZHU Xi and WAMG Yang-ming;朱熹和王阳明对《大学》的不同解读
17.Study on the Part of Wang Yangming Has Played in Developing Mencius Theory and Its Modern Significance;阳明对孟子学说的发展及其现代意义
18.About WANG Yang-ming s Ethics Philosophy Based on Moral Insight;论王阳明以“良知”为本的道德哲学

Yangming Philosophy阳明哲学
1.From the beginning of the 1980’s to now, Chen Lai have written study works on Zhuzi Philosophy, Wang Yangming Philosophy, Wang Chuanshan Philosophy and a book in which completely studies Confucianism during Song-Ming Dynasty, whose achievements have no parallel in and outside the country.从20世纪80年代初至今,陈来先后撰写了朱子哲学、王阳明哲学、王船山哲学的研究专著,并撰写了宋明理学的通论著作,其成就为国内外所仅见。
1.Analysis on the Contributions to Confucianism of Yangmingxinxue and the Revelation to Modern Society从“心外无理”看阳明心学对儒学的革命意义及启示
2.This article reviews and summarizes the research on relation between YangMingXinXue and light literature since 20~(th) century.本文是对 2 0世纪以来王阳明心学与明代通俗文学关系研究的回顾与总结 ,文章从阳明心学与通俗文学关系的总体状况、心学与明代小说、心学与明代戏曲等方面 ,对前人的研究成果及不足进行了总结 ,最后对存在的问题及以后的研究提出了自己的看
3.Personality is the core of traditional Chinese culture, among which yangmingxinxue,one of the schools of philosophy in Ming dynasty ,forms an important part ,where personality of course is the core too.阳明心学作为中国传统文化中的重要组成部分,人格问题当然也是一个核心问题。
4)Yangming school阳明学派
1.A comparative study of the Yangming school of moral education in China and Japan;中日阳明学派道德教育理念比较研究
2.Demoted and exiled to Guizhou Province, Wang Yangming understood the truth and gave lectures to his students, which directly promoted the forming of the Guizhou Yangming School, the earlier regional school of the Will Theory.王阳明贬谪贵州,悟道讲学,直接推动了较早的地域性心学派别——贵州阳明学派的形成。
5)yang-ming study followers阳明后学
6)Japanese Yangming doctrine日本阳明学
