寡欲,few desire
1)few desire寡欲
1.we conclude the way of spirit cultivation:few desire,introspection,concentrated will,cultivation of qi,and so on.通过对孟子的精神修养方法的分析 ,总结出孟子的精神修养方法有寡欲、自反、尚志、养气等 ,并对孟子的精神修养方法予以现代解释。

1.Abstain from fleshly lusts, which was against the soul.贪欲是地狱之门,寡欲使幸运临门。
2.Fenton was a thin, balding and ascetic man.芬顿身材瘦削,秃顶,是个清心寡欲的人。
3.a life of complete renunciation as a nun修女过的那种清心寡欲的苦行生活
4.Walk the path of a carefree life, desiring nothing.清心寡欲走正道,以无为有乐消遥。
5.A study of Morandi's paintings清心寡欲 宁静致远——莫兰迪绘画创作研读
6.Fenton, thin, balding and ascetic, was another veteran.芬顿身材瘦削,秃顶,是个清心寡欲的人,也是一个老手了。
7.Contentment, we have been told by Epicurus, consists not in great wealth, but in few wants.伊壁鸠鲁告诉我们,满足并不在于巨大财富,而是得自寡欲
8.Cold and ugliness were a good tonic for relaxed sensibilities.对清心寡欲的人来说,寒冷和凄凉的景象正是一剂良药。
9.These three things relate to externals and are inadequate. People need what they can depend on: reveal simplicity; embrace the natural; control selfishness; reduce desires.此三者以为文,不 足。故令有所属:见素抱朴,少思寡欲,绝学无忧。
10.Chastity was as deeply ingrained in them as Party loyalty.清心寡欲的思想象对党忠诚一样牢牢地在她们心中扎了根。
11.This did not mean that she wished to "lay up treasure in Heaven," but she hoped that her religious exercises would enable her to "cleanse her heart" and "subdue desire," and so help to alleviate her mental anguish.并不是想要“积善”,却为的希望借此清心寡欲,减轻一些精神上的矛盾痛苦。
12.(2) He will win who knows how to handle Both superior and inferior forces. (3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.识众寡之用者胜,上下同欲者胜,
13.This has sparked even more voices to abolish the N.这引起一寡社会运动耶团体出声欲废去国大。
14.What was meant to be a funny story fell completely flat.原欲使之成为有趣的故事,结果完全变得索然寡味。
15.The Interior Ministry threatened to start crack down on Monday, although it is unclear where the elders would go instead.内政部讲拜一欲开始取缔﹐但是取缔到块这寡老郎欲安排去叨位拢犹毋知。
16.Stooge-like antics result as the trio try to outwit the rich widow and her scheming big-shot lawyer, who also wants to run the ballet.三人欲极力智胜同样想管理芭蕾公司的有钱寡妇和他的大牌律师,其中滑稽夸张,笑料百出。
17.Due to the earthquake, the government decided to cancel the ROC's Double-ten day celebration; the presidential candidates are also suspending their campaigning activities.地动耶关系政府决定今年无欲办双十节耶庆典。一寡出来竞选总统耶嘛暂时收起来。
18.Lee offered to bring some of the refugees to Daiwan for "temporary job training" and post-war construction projects.救助方式有欲载一寡难民来台员接受短期耶就职训练?恪有战后建设耶工程。

less selfishness and fewer desires少私寡欲
1.Taoism advocates a simple,natural life style of less selfishness and fewer desires,while Christian the ascetical value of mod.道教的“承负”说已涉及到代际公平,基督教的“尽义”也是信徒对待社会的道德规范;消除贫困与不公是道教和基督教所关注的重要问题;道教倡导“少私寡欲”、返朴归真的生活方式,基督教主张“节制”、“现世”的禁欲主义价值取向;道教的“太平”与基督教的“和平”观念的核心内容是人、社会、自然的整体和谐。
3)Plenty of desires with less material supplies欲多物寡
4)theory of lessening desires寡欲说
5)To have few desires and to cleanse the heart寡欲清心
6)Pure and few desires廉静寡欲
