象数易学,image-number school
1)image-number school象数易学
1.In the Northern and Southern dynasties(420-589),both Zheng Xuan s(127-200)image-number Yi- ology and Wang Bi s(226-249)metaphysical meaning-pattern Yi-ology were paralleled in the south,whereas the image-number school dominated the north and was infused with metaphysical thought in its later period.南朝郑、王易学并立,北朝象数易学占主导,但后期也呈现儒玄并融的趋势。

1.Iangshuyixue and Western Han Dynasty Society Studies;象数易学与西汉政治、自然科学研究
2.At that time, the image-numberology was criticized by Buddhist scholars, who still took use of image-numberology to explicate the phenomenal realm.象数易学受到佛教缘起性空理论的批判,但南北朝佛教仍利用易学象数来说明现象世界。
3.At that time, in the air filled with religion, the divinatory sect declined to a technical level.在南北朝的宗教风气下,象数易学占验派沦为方伎。
4.In the health-preservation theories of Daoism in the Northern and Southern dynasties, the image-numberology was enriched and expanded.在南北朝道教养生理论中,象数易学得到了丰富和发展。
5.Image, Number, and Communication: A philosophically anthropological interpretation of the image-number in the Text and Commentaries of Zhouyi;“感”·“象”·“数”——《周易》经传象数观念的哲学人类学释读
6.Influences of the images and numbers in the Yi tradition upon the Beijing royal architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties;易学象数对北京明清皇家建筑的影响
7.Image-numberology of the Yi learning conceived in The Yellow Emperor s Classic of Internal Medicine--simultaneously on the similarities and dissimilarities between the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Yi learning;《黄帝内经》中的易学象数学——兼论医、《易》思维理路之异同
8.Zhou Dunyi s Explanations of Tai Ji Diagram, the Image - Numbers of the Changes, and the Related Doctrines in the West;周敦颐的《太极图说》、《易》象数及西方有关学说
9.Mathematical modal for:"discrimination phenomenon" in trade and economy and its analysis;经济贸易中歧视现象的数学模型及分析
10.Because of the ivory trade, elephant numbers fell quickly.由于象牙贸易,大象的数量急剧下降。
11.Prob into the Structuring of Countermoves on Chinese Education Through Phenomena Numbers and Symbols out of the Ancient Chinese Study of Consucian Classics the Book of Changes;从古代经学教材《易经》的象数理探究语文教育中育人对策的建构
12.The Yi-ology conceived in the Yi copied on silk unearthed at Mawangdui to CHENG Yi-chuan’s Yi-ology;程伊川与马王堆之间——天理、象数与汉宋易学的视角
13.The correlation between the five-element numbers of Hetu and the four-image numbers of Zhouyi;《河图》五行数与《周易》四象数之间的关系
14.Transformations between Yin and Yang and the constitution of context: to view the image-number system of Zhouyi from its distinctive characteristics;阴阳变易与境域生成——从区别性特征看《周易》象数
15.On the image world and principle world revealed in Zhouyi;论《周易》的“象”世界和“理”世界——象数和义理关系刍议
16.The Location Exchange of Subject and Object in Chinese Overlapped "Numeral Noun" Structure Sentence;试论数量名结构句中的主宾互易现象
17.Xiangshu Bases on the Complication of Gua Xu to the Common Edition of "Zhou Yi;论今本《周易》卦序编纂的象数依据
18.Interpreting the affiliated phrases by Yi s principles and deciding Yi s images by the affiliated phrases: On characteristics of SHANG Bing-he s Yi learning and his contribution to the history of Y learning;本易理以诂易辞 由易辞以准易象——试论尚氏易学的特色及其对易学史的贡献

Yi xue xiang shu lun《易学象数论》
3)Xiangshu Zhouyi theories of Han Dynasty汉易象数之学
1.Wen Xin Diao Long by Liu Xie is deeply influenced by Xiangshu Zhouyi theories of Han Dynasty.刘勰对汉易象数之学中一些重要解易体例的吸取主要是通过承袭马融、郑玄两家《易》注中本于京氏易的解易体例而实现的;但又以古文经学的治学理念为尺标,对今文经学的象数易学加以取舍,从而扬弃了象数易学中繁琐的解易套路,也抛弃了今天经学中论阴阳灾异的神秘主义内容。
4)the signity and the numbers of Han yi theory汉易象数
1.Not only were the same the signity and the numbers of Han yi theory as the wuxing organs,but also the Hanyi theory of diseases and disarsters occurring by varing of the nature an.不但汉易象数与五行藏象异曲同工,而且汉易灾验说所论天时人病与《内经》的"藏气法时"论也颇多相似。
5)medicine from the Book of Changes易象医学
6)Yixiang science易象科学

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