穷理尽性,exploring thoroughly the logos and the intrinsic character
1)exploring thoroughly the logos and the intrinsic character穷理尽性
1.The doctrine “exploring thoroughly the logos and the intrinsic character to get the natural regulations” which once exerted a great influence in the history embodies the rich content.在历史上曾发生过广泛影响的“穷理尽性以至于命”的命题,蕴含着丰富的内容。

1.Analysis on the Proposition about "Qiongli,Jinxing and Zhiming" of Zhang Zai and Brothers Cheng张载与二程的“穷理尽性以至于命”解析
2.Rationalism and DU Li-liang s Dreams-Re-understanding TANG Xian-zu s "Ration Through Passion";理学的“穷理尽性”与杜丽娘的游园惊梦——对汤显祖“以情格理”的再理解
3.The research is not an exhaustive but an exemplary one.这些缺陷是例证性的,而不是穷尽性的。
4.The quality or condition of being infinite.无限无穷无尽的性质或者状况
5.Discussion on Knowability of Things and Non-exhaustiveness of Cognition of Things;论事物的可知属性与对其认识的不可穷尽性
6.at the end of ones resources山穷水尽,无计可施,智穷才尽
7.an exuBerant growth of moss;苔藓无穷尽地大量生长;
8.an unfailing source of good stories.好故事的无穷尽源泉
9.The cars zipped by endlessly.无穷无尽的车呼啸而过。
10.Along the margin of a bay:延伸成无穷无尽的一行;
11.I have unlimited potential.我的潜力无穷无尽,
12.You can be happy though you may be poor.尽管穷,你是能够快乐的。
13.I'm afraid he is at his wit's end.恐怕他已经智穷才尽了。
14.tried to overcome the oBstacles of poverty.尽量克服贫穷的障碍
15.at the end of one's rope智穷才尽,处于绝境
16.We were at the end of our resources. = No resource was left us.我们已经智穷虑竭 [才尽] 。
17.renewable energy such as solar energy is theoretically inexhaustible.例如太阳能之类的可再生能源在理论上是无穷无尽的。
18.Practice and reform are unending, so is the development of family contract system.实践与改革是无止境的,家庭承包制理论的发展是无穷尽的。

1.By means of quantitative investigation and qualitative analysis, the conjunctions in oracle-bone inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty(殷) ruins, which have been ascertained by various scholars, are examined one by one to exhaustivity in the easy.用定量考察、定性分析的方法,对殷墟甲骨刻辞中诸家认定为连词的各个词进行穷尽性研究。
2.By means of quantitative investigatios and qualitative analysis, the adjectives in the oracle-bone inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty(殷) Ruins, which have been ascertained by various scholars, are examined one by one to exhaustivity in the essay.用定量考察、定性分析的方法,对诸家认定为殷墟甲骨刻辞形容词的各个词进行穷尽性研究。
3)Exhaust the thing's principles and probe into human nature,even into human's destiny穷理尽性以至于命
1.This paper is to make an analysis of the knowability of things and the non-exhaustiveness of knowability so that it can lead to further discussion about this subject.本文试对事物可知属性与对其认识的不可穷尽性进行分析,以期引起进一步的探讨。
5)exhaustive investigation穷尽性调查
6)Reasonable and Humanity合理尽性

事有常变 理有穷通  中国近代太平天国思想家洪仁玕提出的哲学命题。表达了关于事理随着时势的发展而变化的辩证法观点。洪仁玕依据《周易·系辞》的"易穷则变,变则通"的变易观,在《资政新篇》中指出:"夫事有常变,理有穷通,故事有今不可行而可豫定者,为后之福;有今可行而不可永定者,为后之祸。其理在于审时度势与本末强弱耳。......其要在于因时制宜,审势而行而已。"这一命题表明事物有相对稳定的常态,也有显著变化的状况;道理有时行不通,有时行得通。"治国""立政"必须"审时度势",相应变通,适应时代潮流,只有这样才能避祸得福。这里既包含有矛盾和交易的观点,也有强调人们必须从客观实际出发,发挥自己的主观能动性,去促进事物向有利方面变化发展的思想。洪仁玕这一思想为他提出的《资政新篇》奠定了理论基础。在他看来,太平天国当时正处在由常而变、由穷而通的关头,实行《资政新篇》这个纲领,能够使太平天国创造出"新天新地新世界"。