罗从彦,Luo Congyan
1)Luo Congyan罗从彦
1.The gist in scholarship of three talents of Daonan s vein,which was initiated by Yang Shi,deeped by Luo Congyan and established by Li Yanping successively.“道南一脉”一门三杰的为学要旨,由杨时的倡导至罗从彦而深化,至李延平而确立。
2.Luo Congyan has been Living in the time when School of Luo was forbiden,When he was old,the Social environment became relaxed.罗从彦生于洛学被禁止传播的时代,直到晚年环境才比较宽松,所以他没有张扬他的“性”“理”“气”思想,而是基本上承袭了二程和杨时的学说,他注重理学的具体运用,所以在修养论方面,“静中体验未发”和“至诚”感应等思想很有特色,在伦理思想方面,他“仁体义用”及“立身”思想比杨时更明确。

1."...Suzhou is famed as a centre of letters; And all you writers, coming here,"吴中盛文史, 群今汪洋。
2.Respected Director Tsuruda Takuhiko:尊敬的鹤田卓社长:
3.Einstein, one of the towering intellects of the age爱因斯坦, 一位当世俊.
4.A Commentary on the Study of ZHOU Bang-yan from 1991 to 2001;周邦研究述评(1991—2001年)
5.Another Japanese friend Heyan( aka. Kazuhiko) also knows it. Does everybody knows it?齐木和,日本朋友也知道。大家知道吗?
6.Zhao Yanliang was born in Shanghai city in 1946.赵良,一九四六年生,上海市人。
7.Chang, Ruey-Dang, Chang, Yeun-Wen (2003/11).张允文,黄劭,陈?徘?2003/11/2)。
8.The Study on the Problem of Green Food of Ba Yan Nur City;巴淖尔市开发绿色食品问题的研究
9.Toyohiko Kagawa and the Chinese Christian Thought Trend in the 20~(th) Century;贺川丰与二十世纪中国基督教思潮
10.Single-tuition System and the Countryside Compulsory Education of Bayannaoer City;“一费制”与巴淖尔市农村义务教育
11.On the Author of The Water Margin in Light of Shi Yanduan s Official Career;从施端的“仕途”论《水浒传》的作者
12.Thoughts on Developing Basic Education for Nationalities in Bayannur City;巴淖尔市民族基础教育发展的思路
13.Yi Hwang and Ki Myong-Yon s Dispute over "Four Origins and Seven Emothions" vs Its significance;退溪与奇明四端七情之辩及其意义
14.An Inquiry about Zhang Yanyuan s Artistic Philosophy in Notes on Famous Paintings of the Past Dynasties;张远《历代名画记》艺术思想探源
15.Forging Hetao Culture Brand to Create a Harmonious Bayaannur;打造河套文化品牌 构建和谐巴淖尔
16.The Textual Research on Zhou Bangyan′s Involvement in the Rebellion Insident Launched by Wang Cai and Lin Bing;周邦卷入王寀、刘昺“谋逆”事件考辨
17.Amendments to Jingzhou Ci and Changan Ci by Young Zhou Bangyan;周邦年青时期荆州、长安词考补正
18.On "the History of Humanity" of LU Yan-zhou s Novels;论鲁周长篇小说的“人性发展历程”

3)De Romeàla Chine《从罗马到中国》
1.Some Problems with the Chinese Translation of De Romeàla Chine;《从罗马到中国》中译本举谬
4)slaved gyromagneic compass从属陀螺磁罗盘
1.Study on the Planning of Spatial Control Over Regional in County Town System-With Bayan County in Heiiongjiang Province as an Example;县域城镇体系地域空间管治规划——以黑龙江省巴彦县为例
6)Lu Yan鲁彦

罗周彦罗周彦 罗周彦   明代医学家。字德甫,一字慕斋,又作慕庵,号赤诚。歙县(今属安徽)人。幼多病,遂弃儒学医,后挟技游天下,南至吴楚,北涉淮泗,结交医学名流,广搜方药群书,医术益精。侨居良安十余载,治病投药即效。声播四方。历时十余载,集张仲景、王叔和、刘河间、李东垣、朱丹溪、罗谦甫等名医言论而成《医学粹言》九卷(一作十四卷。刊于1612年),首论总论,分述阴阳、脏腑、病机、伤寒、运气、摄生等内容,后列各科之证治,为综合性医书。