太虚即气,Tai Xu is Qi
1)Tai Xu is Qi太虚即气
1.Studies on Philosophy thoughts "Tai Xu is Qi" of Zhang Zai;张载“太虚即气”哲学思想研究
2."Tai Xu is Qi" .他建构了以气为本体的哲学逻辑结构,“太虚即气”、“气兼有无”、“气则有异”和“一物两体”等哲学命题的出现,标志着古典气论已趋至内涵的丰富性、逻辑的思辩性阶段。
2)Great Vacuity and Changes of Material Force太虚气化
1.The Change from Ghosts to Buddhism——On Taixu Human Buddhist Theory and Its Characteristics;从鬼神之教到人生佛教的转变——论太虚人间佛教的理论与特色
2.Taixu and Qi——A Brief Study of Zhang Zai Taixu-Ontology;太虚与气——张载太虚本体论思想管窥

1.Taixu and Qi--A Brief Study of Zhang Zai Taixu-Ontology;太虚与气——张载太虚本体论思想管窥
2.Celestials live in the great void.仙人生活在太虚之中。
3.Is she too weak, is she really failing?她身体太虚弱,真的一天差似一天了吗?
4.I'd be a hypocrite if I were angry at that.如果我为这种事生气,我就太虚伪了。
5.By this time he felt so faint as scarcely to be able to stand.这回他觉得太虚弱了,几乎站不起来。
6.He passed with the Taoist through a large stone archway on which was inscribed: Illusory Land of Great Void.与道人竟过一大石牌坊,上书四字,乃是"太虚幻境"
7.The man was so weak that he could just drag himself about.这个男人太虚弱了,他只能慢慢地活动活动。
8.I think that's awfully subtle.我认为这些太玄虚了。
9.His vanity was his downfall.他因虚荣心太重而垮台.
10.The old lady was increasingly fragile after her operation.那位老太太手术后身体越来越虚弱。
11.The virtual machine could not be started because there are too many virtual machines open.打开的虚拟机太多,因此未能启动此虚拟机。
12.Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself.华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。
13.Disguised as an old woman, she went to advise Arachne to be modest.她化装成一个老太太,前去劝阿刺克涅谦虚一点。
14.Mrs. Peniston's horror was genuine.佩尼斯顿太太的恐惧丝毫没有虚假的成份。
15.He spends so much time foo*** around that he never accomplishes anything.他虚度光阴太多, 所以一事无成。
16.Don't be such a prude you can carry modesty too far!别那么拘谨--你谦虚得太过分了!
17.Don't be such a prude you can carry olor=# cc0066> modesty too far!别那麽拘谨-你谦虚得太过分了。
18.First I must see this Feathers of the Sun and size up the situation.我得先见见这位“太阳之羽”,探探虚实。

Great Vacuity and Changes of Material Force太虚气化
1.The Change from Ghosts to Buddhism——On Taixu Human Buddhist Theory and Its Characteristics;从鬼神之教到人生佛教的转变——论太虚人间佛教的理论与特色
2.Taixu and Qi——A Brief Study of Zhang Zai Taixu-Ontology;太虚与气——张载太虚本体论思想管窥
1.Tai-xu is the famous modern monk and advocate of the reformation of Buddhism in China.太虚是我国近代著名高僧和近代佛教改革运动的倡导者。
5)the great void dreamland太虚幻境
6)spirit of the divinity太虚本体
1.However, in spite of its identity as dust, the world is where the spirit of the divinity l.张载进一步认为,虽然万物形色为糟粕,但它实是太虚本体的藏身之地;只要在糟粕上点睛以太虚本体,则糟粕即转化为精华。
