是非观,view of right and wrong
1)view of right and wrong是非观

1.Be guided by your sense of what be right and just做事要有是非观念和正义感
2.Be guided by your sense of what is right and just.做事要有是非观念和正义感.
3.Many people be opposed to the sale of arms on principle许多人根据自己的是非观反对出售武器
4.Many people are opposed to the sale of arms on principle.许多人根据自己的是非观反对出售武器.
5.guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong.与道德或是非观相一致的,由道德心引导的。
6.Grass hand may be observed and not. it may unite about intuitionistic and non intuitionistic.草书是可以观察的与不可观察的,直观的非直观的统一。
7.The objectivity you're looking for is not the objectivity of the breath, but the objectivity of cause and effect.你寻找的客观性,并非是呼吸的客观性,而是因果的客观性。
8.That's very optimistic, isn't it?那可是非常乐观的看法,对吗?
9.20000 is a very respectable salary.20000英镑的薪金是非常可观的.
10.The museum that we visit is very grand.我们参观的博物馆是非常雄伟的。
11.This is a very subjective judgement of her abilities.这是对她能力的一个非常主观的评价。
12.This is a very subjective judgment of her abilities.这是对她能力的一种非常主观的判断。
13.Some Ideas about Zhuang Zi s Theory of "Each Other s Right and Wrong" and His Death-Life Outlook;简析庄子的“彼此是非”论及生死观
14.non participant observation非参与观察 非参与观察
15.She looked very tired and worn now, but she was still cheerful.她现在样子非常疲乏,但是人还是乐观的。
16.Her earnest wish was to see things as they were, and not to be romantic.她真诚的希望就是实事求是地观察事物,并且不想入非非。
17.Q: What does objectivity mean? You said the world is subjective and now you talk of objectivity. Is not everything subjective?客观是什么意思?你曾说世界纯属主观而现在又谈及客观?可非一切皆属主观?
18.Protecting musk deer is therefore important from both a commercial perspective and a conservation perspective, he says.从商业观点和保护观点两方面来看,保护麝都是非常重要的,他说。

historical outlook历史是非观
1.Sima Qian s historical outlook was formed as a new set of values under the guidance of Taoism,keeping pace with times with combination of Confucianism and Legalist School,etc.司马迁的历史是非观是以道家思想为指导,统摄儒、法诸家思想,与时俱进,从而形成的新价值体系。
3)An Analysis on DengXiaoping s Views of the Right and Wrong邓小平是非观探析
4)right and wrong是非
1.How is Chinese Nation s Value of “Right and Wrong” Possible?——An Analysis of the Semantic Structure of Original "Shi" in Chinese Language;华夏民族“是非”价值观念是何以可能的?——汉语原初“是”的语义结构分析
2.The scholars always analyze the section of "each other s right and wrong"in On Material Identity by Zhuang zi from the angle of cognitive theory.齐物论》中"彼此是非"一节,历来论者多从认识论的角度分析,且由于此段话在文字辩正方面存在较多问题,遂造成种种误解。
3.Starting from moral,intelligence and art education,we should train eligible students in higher vocational colleges,who can understand right and wrong,identify goodness and badness,and recognize beauty and ugliness.高职学生社会主义荣辱观教育是一个系统工程,应从世界观教育、价值观教育、审美教育等多方面入手,从德育、智育、美育角度等不同学科角度出发,把学生培养成为“明是非、识善恶、辨美丑”的合格人才。
1.Then, these new negative declarative forms "feishi" "bushi" "weishi" come into being.系词“是”在肯定判断旬中产生以后,它的使用迅速扩展到否定判断句,新产生了“×非是×”、“×不是×’’、“×未是×”等否定判断格式,与“×非×”格式同时并存,相互竞争。
6)not conscientious; not guided by a sense of right and wrong.不凭良心的;没有是非观引导的。

是非观念与是非感是非观念与是非感idea of true-false and feeling of true-false  是非观念与是非感(idea of true一falseand feeling of true一false)是非观念是一个人对于行动的好坏、善恶、是非及其社会意义的认识;是非感则是一个人对于行动作出好坏、善恶或是非判断时在情感上的体验。是非观念是是非感产生的基础,属于道德认识范畴;是非感是是非观念的表现,属于道德情感范畴。是非观念和是非感是使人们自愿改正错误行动与坚持正确行动的重要心理因素。缺乏是非观念与是非感的人,容易接受社会上种种消极因素的影响而导致错误的行为乃至犯罪的行为。在学校教育中,培养学生的是非观念和是非感,是品德教育的必要环节之一。 (成立夫撰匾互圈审)