公议,public reasoning
1)public reasoning公议
1.We want to discuss the political governance model of Huang Zongxi, with two fulcrums: people-oriented and public reasoning.本文认为黄宗羲的政论文集《明夷待访录》中“民本”与“公议”思想是两个体现其政治治理模式的系统集合点,由此出发研究其政治治理模式。

1.Well, let's follow the method of self-assessment and public discussion; you can make the assessment yourself, but it has to be put to the public for discussion.自报公议嘛,你自报可以,大家还要公议
2.The conference handed down its decision a few days ago几天前会议公布了决议。
3.fair market value公平市价,公允市价,议价
4.Hong Kong People's Council on Public Housing Policy [PCPHP]香港公共房屋政策评议会〔公屋评议会〕
5.On Openness,Equality and Justice in Invitation of Tenders for Construction Projects;议建设工程招投标的公开、公平与公正
6.Most members have expressed a wish to open Council meetings to the public.大多数议员已表示愿意让公众旁听议院的会议。
7.The chamber then takes an open vote on the bill.接着议院会就议案公开投票。
8.Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons某些常规武器公约缔约国审议会议
9.Specialized Conference for Consideration of the Draft Inter-American Convention against Corruptio审议美洲反腐败公约草案专门会议
10.A proposal to extend the highway was flung out at the meeting.延伸高速公路的建议在会议上被否决。
11.Deliberative Democracy: The Expression of the Consensus Conference of Yilan Citizens审议民主:宜兰公民共识会议的表达
12.Public video conferring system公用型会议电视系统
13.Summit Meeting on Open Employment of the Disabled伤残人士公开就业会议
14.Presiding Clerk会议主持人(公谊会)
15.Presidenciaq de Conselho国务会议主席办公厅
16.International Conference on Fair Trading“公平交易”国际会议
17.2. The panel shall meet in closed session.2. 专家组的会议不公开。
18.Collective Company Signing Agreement《集体公司署名协议》

recommended formula建议公式
1.Taking a simplified foundation plane as t he example, this paper derives a recommended formula with less calculation error s, improving the method for calculating .以一个简化的基础平面为例,导出计算误差较小的建议公式,以改进墙下条形基础宽度的计算方法。
3)public agenda公众议程
1.News reporting during the Two Sessions is a process of arranging agendas and also an interactive course among public agenda(public opinion),media agenda and policy agenda."两会"报道是一个"议程设置"的过程,也是公众议程(舆论)、媒介议程和政策议程相互作用的过程。
2.The process of putting model Liu Wen gong into limelight is an interactive course among public agenda(public opinion),media agenda and policy agenda.刘文功典型的推出过程是公众议程(舆论)、媒介议程和政策议程相互作用的过程。
4)notarization protocol公证协议
1.After analyzing the traditional notarization protocol based on complete fair mediator systemically and studying the characteristics ol P2P network itself,this paper proposes a notarization protocol of P2P network based on incomplete fair mediator.在系统地分析传统的基于完全公正方的公证协议的基础上,针对P2P网络的特点,提出了一种基于非完全公正方的P2P网络公证协议。
5)public agenda公共议程
6)Citizen Conference公民会议
1.Chinese Citizen Conference:An Analysis of the Process and Functions of "Democratic Consultation" in Wenling,Zhejiang Province中国式的公民会议:浙江温岭民主恳谈会的过程和功能
