宇宙情怀,Universal Sentiment
1)Universal Sentiment宇宙情怀
1.The Evolution of Universal Sentiment——On Jin Sheng-tan s Comment on the Preface to Romance of the Western Chamber;宇宙情怀的衍生——“知人论世”谈金批《西厢记》序文
2.Adhering to a fundamental and consistent proposition in conducting himself and doing academic research,Liang proposed his ideals of personalism and universal sentiment in combining Confucianism and Buddhism,Chinese philosophy and Western learning.梁启超做人做学问有其根本的且一以贯之的根本命意,这就是他提出的人格主义理想以及其融贯儒佛、打通中西学问而形成的宇宙情怀

1.The Evolution of Universal Sentiment--On Jin Sheng-tan s Comment on the Preface to Romance of the Western Chamber;宇宙情怀的衍生——“知人论世”谈金批《西厢记》序文
2.Its lofty aspiration goes up from the earth and its feelings of selfless contributions to the universe are multiplied.紧贴土地,升腾起崇高的心愿,繁衍出对宇宙无私奉献的情怀。
3.I love that humiliation, I, who am master of the universe, as was Augustus."我喜欢那种虚怀若谷的情调,——尽管我曾象奥古斯都那样被人称为宇宙的主宰。”
4.A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. --William Arthur Ward热情的微笑是表示善意的宇宙语。——沃德
5.The scientist is on fire for outer space.这位科学家对宇宙的研究很有热情。
6.Objects beyond the cosmic horizon have a similar status.在宇宙视界之外的物体,情况也是类似。
8.From the individual care to humanitarian care and then to the cosmo care, there is full of aesthetic transcendence.从个体关怀到人际关怀,从人际关怀到宇宙关怀,处处洋溢着审美超越性的色彩。
9.Quality will and emotion;意志·情感·创新精神——和谐是宇宙大化的共同节奏
10.On Significance of Scientific Research from Einstein′s Comic Religious Feelings论宇宙宗教感情对于当代科学研究的意义
11.Examining the Emotions of Poems from the Universe Consciousness of Zhang Ruoxu's Moonlight of Spring River从张若虚《春江花月夜》的宇宙意识看诗中之情
12.Creative Integration of Fact and Value--Searches on Whitehead's Integrated Thought of Cosmology事实与价值的“创造性”融合——怀特海宇宙论的整体性思维探讨
13.Recent space travels have shown that the body needs special exercise in a spaceship to suit the weightless conditions.最近的宇宙飞行表明,人体需要在宇宙飞船中进行专门训练才能适应失重的情况。
14.Space rockets, submarines,宇宙火箭,潜水艇,
15.hierarchic structure阶梯结构 -宇宙学
16.In Nature there is Life and Death ...“宇宙里有生有死……
17.(3) There is the difference in world outlook.(三)宇宙观的不同。
18.A little more than two months later, an American would walk outside his spacecraft.两个多月以后,一名美国宇航员爱德华?怀特也做到了在宇宙飞船外行走,

structure of philosophy宇宙关怀
3)universal religious emotion宇宙宗教情感
1.Einstein s universal religious emotion originating from ultimate concern and value consciousness is the basis of his belief on science and inner freedom,which is just the .爱因斯坦源于终极关怀和价值自觉的宇宙宗教情感,是其科学信念和内心自由的依据,而这正是其科学原创性的价值之源。
4)emotion of Universe religion宇宙宗教感情
1."This"emotion of Universe religion"was his strongest and most honorable motivation of his scientific research and exploration on the secret of Universe.我不信仰干预人类命运和行动的上帝”,这就是爱因斯坦的“宇宙宗教感情”。
5)Romantic Enthusiasm of Metaphysics浪漫的宇宙热情
1.Self-similarity model of nonsingular perfect gas universe;非奇异宇宙的理想气体自相似模型
2.A Study on Hardy s Philosophy and Attitude Toward Universe and War in the Dynasts;《群王》中哈代哲理及对宇宙和战争的态度

宇宙膨胀理论(见大爆炸宇宙学)宇宙膨胀理论(见大爆炸宇宙学)theory of universal expansion  ‘n~黔拼髦{您一。勺n又一rsaleXp