文势,Wen Shi
1)Wen Shi文势
1.Wen Shi" or literary appearance is a unique theoretical category of classical Chinese literary theory.“文势”是中国古代文论中独特的理论范畴 ,“文势”理论源于刘勰的《文心雕龙·定势》篇。
2.By analyzing the theory of "wen shi" in Mao Shi Zheng Yi, the article tries to explore the influence of literary research upon economic research and the possible interactions between each other.《毛诗正义》吸收了魏晋以来的《诗经》研究中注重文辞义理的动向,将文理之"势"引入对毛传郑笺的解说之中,形成其阐释中的"文势"说。

1.On the Idea of "Wenshi" in The Three Kingdoms --Mao Zong gang s idea of "Wenshi" considerately mentioned;论《三国演义》中的文势——兼及毛宗岗的“文势”观
2.On Clash between Strong Culture and Weak Culture in Translation Studies;浅谈翻译研究中强势文化与弱势文化的撞击
3.Cultural superiority : the financial history and culture together.第十句文化优势:融历史与文化于一身.
4.Chinese Cultural Communication in the View of the Effect of Cultural Power;从文化权势的视角研究中华文化传播
5.Forging the Best Brands of Culture to Build a Stong Province in Culture;打造强势文化品牌 建设文化强省
6.The Trend in Middle School Chinese Teaching Reform Based on the New Curriculum;从语文课程基本理念看语文教改趋势
7.Looking at the Situation of Multicultural Amalgamation from Cultural Dissemination;从文化的传播看多元文化交融的态势
8.Cultural Cognition: The Global Pluralistic Trend of Cultural Evolution;文化认知:全球文化多元的演变走势
9.The Historic Interpretation on the Cultural Shi Cha Zhi Cha and Movement;文化势差、质差与文化流动的历史诠释
10.On Superiority and Stratagem--The 20 Years Cultural Superiority of Xiuzhou District;论优势与谋略——兼谈秀洲区创建文化优势20年
11., ought to analyse preponderance and inferiority, opportunity and challenge of human geography development.应当从优势与劣势、机遇与挑战等角度,分析人文地理学发展的形势。
12.Inexorable Trend of the Times: Combination of Scientific Culture and Human Culture;时代的必然趋势:科学文化与人文文化交融
13.Abandon Humanistic Inferiority,Construct Cultural Province Power--On Imperfection of Lingnan Culture;摒弃人文弱势 建设文化大省——析岭南文化缺憾
14.Literary Theory and Cultural Studies:New Tendencies of Comparative Literature in America;文学理论与文化研究:美国比较文学研究趋势
15.Translator s Subjectivity in the Context of Post-colonialism:Strong Culture vs Weak Culture;论后殖民语境下的译者主体性:强势文化与弱势文化
16.Investigation of transformation of cultural Resources advantages to Culture Industry;山东文化资源优势转换为文化产业胜势的调查分析
17.The relations between the strong culture and the weak culture;强势文化与弱势文化的关系——西班牙在拉美殖民的反思
18.Producing an Expressive Translation by Using Classical Chinese Expressions;发挥译文的语言优势——谈文言文词语、句法在译文中的妙用

hydrological regime水文情势
1.Effects of cascade hydropower development on hydrological regime of Lower Lancang River;澜沧江梯级电站建设对下游水文情势的影响
2.Effects of Danjiangkou Reservoir on hydrological regimes in the middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River;丹江口水库对汉江中下游水文情势的影响
3.To study the influence of human activities on the hydrological regime in Bielahong River watershed,the monitored runoff and meteorological data from 1957 to 2004 were used to analyse the change on the hydrological regime.为了研究人类活动对水文情势的影响,以别拉洪河流域1957~2004年水文、气象数据为基础,详细分析了降水量、蒸发量及径流量等要素的变化特征;利用累积滤波法、Kendal秩次相关法、径流量年内分配的不均匀系数和径流量的变差系数对径流量的变化及其趋势进行了分析;利用降水—径流双累积曲线法和Mann-Kendall法对径流量序列进行了突变检验;定量研究了人类活动对径流量的影响。
3)water regime水文情势
1.Impact of man-made disturbance on water regime in the main course of Tarim River;人为干扰对塔里木河干流水文情势的影响
2.Analysis of the influences of Shihutang Navigation and Hydropower Complex Project on water regime;石虎塘航电枢纽工程对水文情势影响的分析
3.Growth responses of belowground modules of Carex lasiocarpa to different water regimes and water experiences.;毛苔草地下构件对不同水文情势和水文经历的生长响应
4)preponderant culture强势文化
1.In the face of preponderant culture,we must actively attract advanced culture coming from outside world with a correct attitude,and embody the character of containing of our national culture.然而,不同文明间的冲撞与交融往往需要经历一个漫长而复杂的过程,尤其是面对强势文化的挑战,我们必须以正确的文化心态和我国民族文化所特有的包容性积极吸纳外来的先进文化,同时在文化选择模式上,妥善处理全球化与本土化,学习与创新的关系,积极参与各国文化间的交流与竞争,才能体现中国文化的先进性和时代精神。
5)strong culture强势文化
1.On the ways how to keep the diversity of the regional and cultural features in global strong culture在全球强势文化下如何保持地域文化的多样性
2.But in fact, it is a phenomenon evolved under a situation of post-colonism generated by intrusion of strong culture, although a change of values, but could be corrosive to national culture.上海建筑的“欧陆风情”风 表面上看似与城市文脉有所联系、是一种后现代主义的创新,实际上,它是在后殖民主 义情势下 由强势文化入侵和价值观改变所产生的现象,是对民族丈化的一种侵蚀。
3.Such gap leads to the clash between strong culture and weak culture,the strong culture in the high position disgraces and assimilates the weak culture;we must pay attention to this bias and conflict in translation studies and promote the development of different kinds of cultures.随着当前经济全球化和一体化的趋势加强,发达国家与发展中国家的差距日益加大,发达国家是世界经济政治的主宰者,这种国际经济政治割据中的不平等导致了强势文化与弱势文化之间的撞击。
6)Privileged culture强势文化
1.On one hand, through translation underprivileged cultures benefit a lot in .然而政治经济发展的不平衡所导致的不同文化间地位和权力的差异,使得强势文化与弱势文化之间的翻译流量呈现出单向倾斜的状态,即大多数情况下是强势文化流向弱势文化。
