知行观,theory of knowing and doing
1)theory of knowing and doing知行观
1.MAO Ze-dong s Relapses and Divergence in the Theory of Knowing and Doing in his Later Years;毛泽东晚年在知行观问题上的反复与偏颇

1."Knowing Being First" and "Doing Being Significant":On Zhu Xi s Viewpoint of Knowing and Doing;“知在先”与“行为重”:朱熹知行观探究
2.A New Insight into "Zhi and Xing";“知行观”新说——试论“知行和谐”
3.Inspect the modern value of the view of knowledge and practice of Xun Zi荀子由行致知知行观的现代价值探析
4.Knowledge and Purpose--The Study of ZhuXi and Zeng Guo-fan s Knowledge and Purpose;“格物”与“致知”——朱熹、曾国藩知行观比较研究
5.On Exploration of Zhang Dainian s View of Knowledge and Practice In 1930 and 1940 ;张岱年20世纪三四十年代知行观探析
6.The Transcendence of the Works "On Practice" over the Traditional Outlook of the Recognition and Practice;毛泽东《实践论》对传统知行观的超越
7.The Practice of Socialist Honor Emphases Onthe Unification of Knowing and Doing;践行社会主义荣辱观重在“知行统一”
8.On Tao Xingzhi Views about Knowledge--Perspective of the Social Reconstruction;论陶行知的知识观——基于社会改造的视角
9.The Historical Imperfection and the Contemporarily Carrying Forward to the Unity of Knowledge and Practice;论“知行合一”观的历史完善与当今弘扬
10.Analyse on the Sexual Attitudes、Knowledge and Behavior of Female Students in Vocational Colleges;高职女生性观念、性知识、性行为调查
11.The Influence of the Principles of the "Eight Dos and eight Don ts" on the View of Honor of the University Students;“八荣八耻”与大学生荣辱观的知与行
12."Knowledge" and"Action" in the Education on People s Concept of Honors and Disgraces;公民荣辱观教育中的“知”与“行”
13.Socialist Concept of Honor and "Study Hard for Wisdom,Act Devotedly for Humanism";社会主义荣辱观与“好学近知,力行近仁”
14.Research on the Application of Unification of Cognition and Practice in Basketball Matches;知行统一观在篮球比赛中的运用研究
15.A Survey on Two Foreign Studying Theories;行为主义与认知派两种学习理论概观
16.Coincidence between Knowledge and Action: the Key to College Students Actualizing Socialism Concept of Honor and Disgrace;知行统一:大学生践行社会主义荣辱观之关键
17.On Constructing the Practical System of the Socialism Outlook on Honor and Disgrace in the Unity of Knowing and Doing;在知行统一中构筑社会主义荣辱观的践行机制
18.Tao Xingzhi s Western and Chinese Culture Ideology;论陶行知的中西文化观——纪念陶行知诞辰115周年暨逝世60周年

The theory of the unity of knowing and doing知行统一观
3)The deed proves the man观其行而知其人
4)On Feng Qi's Views about Knowledge and Practice冯契的知行观
5)On Yang wanli s Theory of Knowing and Doing论杨万里的知行观
6)knowing and doing知行
1.It is a suitable angle to study modern history with dialectical relations between knowing and doing.从知行辨证发展关系观照近代史历程是一个恰当的角度。
2.The knowing and doing view is a basic question in the traditional Chinese philosophy.知行观是中国传统哲学中的一个基本问题。

观行【观行】 (术语)于心观理而如理身行之也。又观心之行法也。