西方思想,western thoughts
1)western thoughts西方思想

1.Discussing the Eastern Wushu Idea, Considering the Western Thought;探讨东方武术理念 引起西方思想考量
2.Criminal Law and Human Nature:Critique Reading of the West Thoughts;刑法和人性:西方思想的批判性阅读
3.The Quarrel and Combination between Poetry and Philosophy in Western Mind History;西方思想史中诗与哲学的论争与融合
4.On the Transcendence of Marx s Humanics over Modern Western Humanics;论马克思人学思想对近代西方人学思想的超越
5.Western Science and Technology vs.Chinese Thoughts in Zhigang s Chu Shi Taixi Ji;《初使泰西记》中的西方科技与中国思想
6.Comparison of the thought of Da Tong and west utopian socialism.大同思想与西方空想社会主义之比较
7.Exceeding the Thinking of Western Traditional Subjectivity in Marx s Philosophy;马克思对西方传统主体性思想的超越
8.The Systematic Thinking in Western HRM Thinking;西方人力资源管理思想中的系统思维
9.The First Class of History of Western Political Thought:Object and Methodology;“西方政治思想史”第一课——对象与方法
10.The Meaning of “Being” in Western Philosophy and the Related Mode of Thought;西方哲学中“是”的意义及其思想方式
11.Comparison of Thoughts Between Westem Natural law and Confucian Law西方自然法思想和我国儒家自然法思想比较
12.The Relation between Chinese Mohism & Legalism and Western Interests-oriented Thoughts;墨家和法家思想与西方趋利思想的关系分析
13.Comparison between the Thought of Ancient Confucianism and Legalists and Western Management Psychology Thought;古代儒、法家思想与西方管理心理思想的比较
14.Analysis of The Thought of Chinese Multi-polarization and That of Western Balance of Power;中国多极化思想与西方均势思想之辨析
15.Mutual Relationship Between Western Ethic Thonghts & Western Social Moral Phenomena;西方伦理思想与西方社会道德现象的互动关系
16.Marx Idea of "Consider the Value of Human First" and the Doctrine of Western Anthropologicalism;马克思的“以人为本”思想与西方人本主义思潮
17.a society that was the springhead of Western legal thought.作为西方法律思想起源的一个学派
18.Comments on Modern Western Feminist Criminology当代西方女性主义犯罪学思想介评

nonwestern thought非西方思想
1.Lyotard expresses a postmodern condition which is different from the modem condition, and presents some common points between postmodern thoughts and nonwestern thoughts and finally uses a modern concept sublime to reflect the postmodern aesthetic characteristics.利奥塔以特殊的言说方式阐明了与现代不同的后现代状态;通过与非西方思想的比较,呈示了后现代与非西方思想的共同处;通过对崇高概念的后现代解释,描述了后现代的美学特征。
3)westren intellectual history西方思想史
4)Chinese and Western thinking on translation中西方翻译思想
5)chinese philosophical thoughts西方哲学思想
6)the idea of the western alliance西方联盟思想

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。