卦气说,Gua-qi theory
1)Gua-qi theory卦气说
1.On the Gua-qi theory in the Han Yi learning from philosophical perspectives;哲学视野下的汉易卦气说
2.This paper discussed the gua-qi theory (a theory describing the correspondence be-tween the hexagrams and Chinese seasonal points) contained in chapters of Er San Zi, Yao, Zhong in Yi Zhuan copied on silk, pointing out that Yi Zhuan copied on silk and that in cur-rent version are closely correlated.探讨帛书《易传》中卦气说的存在,对于推进两汉象数易学的研究有着重要意义。
2)Liu Zi Gua六子卦气说
3)Trace to the Source of Mengxi's Guaqi Theory孟喜卦气说溯源
4)Shuo gua《说卦》
1.By analyzing the significance of Shuo Gua,its position in Yi Zhuan and its formative age and its author,this paper draws the conclusion that the formation of Shuo Gua and Zhou Yi Gu Jin were at the same time and the author of Shuo Gua might be a divinatory official.从《说卦》的意义、《说卦》在《易传》中的位置、《说卦》形成之时代及其作者等方面 ,肯定《说卦》之成约于《周易古经》六十四卦同时 ,其作者应为西周至春秋之筮官 ,孔子整理《周易》可能包括《说卦》在内。

1.Shuogua and Ximing Viewed in Comparative Literature;比较文学视野下的《说卦》和《西铭》
2.On HU Xu’s Yi-ology;胡煦之“体卦主爻说”及对“卦变说”与“错综说”之批评
3.You know what the fortune said.你知道卦上是怎么说的。
4.The Theoretical System of Yijing and the Commentaries on the Divinatory Symbols;《易经》理论体系与《说卦传》——“中和贯通”和“说卦和中”
5.A discrimination of the meanings of the remarks attached to hexagram Kun and its lines by the Meanings of Yi copied on silk;关于帛书《易之义》解说坤卦卦爻辞之文义的辨正
6.On Wangbi's Gua zhu Theory--Inheriting and Developing Gua zhu Theory from Those Thoughts after the Interpretation of the Book of Changes王弼“卦主说”探微——对《易传》以来“卦主”思想的继承与发展
7.You say you won't smoke any more, but you'll soon change your mind.你说你不再吸烟了,可是很快会变卦的。
8.She is a big gossip.她真是个八卦夫人。(喜欢说人闲话)
9.Ivy: Did you hear the gossip about Dennis and Tracy?艾薇:妳听说丹尼斯跟崔西的八卦了吗?
10.the Theory of Guashi on Yizhuan and the Formation of the concept Shi in Pre-qin Period;《易传》之“卦时说”与先秦“时”观念之形成
11.On the Day Decided by King Wu to Send a Punitive Expedition against Despotic Ruler Zhou in Ge Gua of Zhou Yi--Query on Validity of the Day"Wu Zi";《周易》革卦中的武王伐纣日——“戊子”说质疑
12.On JIAO Xun s criticism on the theory of transforming among the hexagrams and the establishment of his I Ching learning;论焦循对“卦变”说之批评及其《易》学建构
13.Even Sun, who is called "The Great Saint on a Par with the Emperor of Heaven", needs tempering in the Eight-Diagram Crucible.人家说是“齐天大圣”呀,还要在八卦炉里头烧一烧。
14.Even more absurd is the gossip that they had a daughter together.更荒谬的是还有八卦说他们一起生了个女儿。
15.Five-element, Nine-palace, and the Eight-trigram:A recount and commentary on the theory of Five-element and Nine-palace in HU Wei s Yi tu Ming bian;五行、九宫与八卦——胡渭《易图明辨》"五行、九宫"说述评
16.The Theoretical System of Yi and Shuo Gua Zhuan;《易》经理论体系与《说卦传》——“易有大恒”和“易道恒中”
17."How could he think I would go Back on my words? I am not his sort, who is fickle and always Blowing hot and cold."他怎么知道我会变卦?可不是他那号人,整天喜怒无常的,说变就变。
18.But later he changed his tune and went back on what he had said in Yenan.但是他后来变卦了,赫尔利背叛了他在延安所说的话。

Liu Zi Gua六子卦气说
3)Trace to the Source of Mengxi's Guaqi Theory孟喜卦气说溯源
4)Shuo gua《说卦》
1.By analyzing the significance of Shuo Gua,its position in Yi Zhuan and its formative age and its author,this paper draws the conclusion that the formation of Shuo Gua and Zhou Yi Gu Jin were at the same time and the author of Shuo Gua might be a divinatory official.从《说卦》的意义、《说卦》在《易传》中的位置、《说卦》形成之时代及其作者等方面 ,肯定《说卦》之成约于《周易古经》六十四卦同时 ,其作者应为西周至春秋之筮官 ,孔子整理《周易》可能包括《说卦》在内。
1.It is not true that three pieces of writings, Shuogua(《说卦》 ), Xugua(《序卦》) and Zagua(《杂卦》), were said to be found in th e middle time of the Western Han Dynasty.从出土材料和世传文献相结合来看,“《说卦》三篇后得”说是不正确的。
6)Gua-qi theory by the eight trigrams八卦卦气

卦气1.以《易》六十四卦与四时﹑月令﹑气候等相配之法。相传文王序《易》,以《坎》﹑《离》﹑《震》﹑《兑》为四时卦,其二十四爻分主二十四节气。以《复》﹑《临》﹑《泰》﹑《大壮》﹑《夬》﹑《干》﹑《姤》﹑《遁》﹑《否》﹑《观》﹑《剥》﹑《坤》配十二地支,为十二月消息卦,其七十二爻分主七十二候。其余四十八卦,分布十二月,每月加消息卦共五卦,分配君臣等位,其三十爻,以配一月日数。凡此,统称之为卦气。其说出自汉孟喜﹑京房等。参阅清庄存与《卦气解》。 2.术数家用八卦配《洛书》数,本于阳卦奇﹑阴卦偶之说,以奇偶分阴阳,也叫卦气。