人才管理思想,Talent Management Thought
1)Talent Management Thought人才管理思想

1.A Brief Discussion on China s Traditional Human Power Management;简论中国传统文化中的人才管理思想
2.Thoughts of Talent Management of Ancient China and it s Modern Value;中国古代人才管理思想及其现代价值
3.Deng Xiaoping s Thought of Talents Management and Its Utilization in Company s Human Resources Management;论邓小平人才管理思想及其在企业中的运用
4.Comprehensive Study and Li Restriction: Some Analysis of Confucius's Talent Management Thought in the Analects博学于文,约之以礼——试析《论语》中孔子的人才管理思想
5.Theory of Talent Man in Guanzi and Its Great Significance to Modern Human Resources Management《管子》人才思想与现代人力资源管理
6.Talents Management Psychology in Chinese Confucianism and Its Modern Enlightenments;中国儒家人才管理心理学思想及其现代意义
7.Consilience of Zeng Guofan s Thoughts of Talent and Modern Human Resource Management;曾国藩的人才思想与现代人力资源管理的契合
8.Analyses of Zeng Guofan s person thinking and modem administration human resource management;试析曾国藩人才思想与现代行政人力资源管理
9.Views on Deng Xiaoping s Thought of Making Use of Personnel --Study on Deng Xiaoping s Personnel;邓小平用人思想管窥——学习邓小平人才理论的一点认识
10.Weiyuan s Talent Ideas and Its Revelation to Human Resource Administration;试论魏源人才学思想及其对人力资源管理的启示
11.A Research on Education of Health Management Professionals Based On STS基于STS教育思想的卫生事业管理专业人才培养研究
12.Understanding Xiaoping s Thought about Talents Scientifically and Implementing the Strategy of Becoming a Powerful Nation with Talents Completely;科学理解小平人才思想 全面实施人才强国战略
13.Ideas of Human Nature and Social Management in Ancient China;中国古代的人性思想和社会管理思想
14.The research about the core theoretical value of DENG Xiao-ping s thinking of talented people;邓小平人才思想的核心理论价值探究
15.Discussion on Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin s Thought of the Talents Mobility;论邓小平、江泽民人才合理流动思想
16.Thought about the arrangement of personal file in talent fluidity;人才流动中人事档案管理的几点思考
17.On "People Foremost Thought" in Talent Ideology of Guanzhong;试论管仲人才思想中的民本因素——以《管子》为中心
18.Solutions to the Difficulties in Manager Assessment;管理人才测评的难点及设想解决方案

the thought of talent management人才资源管理思想
3)Confucius Talent Management Thought孔子人才管理思想
4)talent thoughts人才思想
1.Form the point of the nature, value, discernment, culture, selecting, employment, the talent thoughts and talent views of Mao Ze-dong, Deng Xiao-ping and Jiang Ze-min are explained in a systematic way.文章从人才的本质、价值、识别、培养、选拔、使用和人才政策等方面系统阐述了毛泽东、邓小平和江泽民的人才思想和人才观。
2.Deng Xiao-ping s talent thoughts is the important part of Deng Xiao-ping s theory, which enriches Marxism s theory.邓小平人才思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分 ,它极大地丰富了马克思主义的理论宝库 ,是邓小平同志留给我们后人的又一笔丰厚遗产。
5)talent idea人才思想
1.Discuss on the characteristics of the talent idea of You-wei Kang s reforming disciples;康门维新弟子人才思想特点评析
2.The study object of the article is the talent idea of some important disciples of You-wei Kang who is a famous politician, thinker and educator in modern China.本文选取19世纪末20世纪初,曾追随其师从事维新变法活动的主要康门弟子人才思想为界定研究对象,认为康门弟子在特殊时代背景下,继承前人、受教其师,形成了完整、系统的人才思想。
6)ideas on talents人才思想
1.A trial study of Deng Xiaoping s inheritance and development from Mao Zedong s ideas on talents;邓小平对毛泽东人才思想的继承与发展
2.We clarify the theoretical basis and actual practice for the formation of Deng Xiaoping s ideas on talents,and analyzes his definition and principles of talent use in the new era.论述了邓小平人才思想形成的理论基础和实践依据,分析了新的时代背景下邓小平同志对人才的界定标准和使用人才的基本原则,总结提炼了邓小平人才思想时代性、思想性、示范性的鲜明特色。
