《国故论衡》,Guo gu lun heng
1)Guo gu lun heng《国故论衡》

2.The Thought of saving The Nation by Literature of Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎) from representative literature survey(《文学总略》);从《国故论衡·文学总略》看章太炎的文学救国思想
3.A Fault Diagnosis Approach for Rolling Bearings Based on Time Series Decomposition and Blind-Equalization基于盲均衡理论的轴承故障诊断研究
4.On the Balance of Penalty Measurement between Crime of Intentionally Injuring Another Which Resulted in Griveous Bodily Harm and Other Crimes;“故意伤害罪致人重伤”情节量刑均衡的比较论证
5.From Unequlibrium to Equilibrium--China s Countermeasure to American Economic Depression;从不均衡走向均衡——兼论中国应对美国经济衰退
6.Unbalanced development theory and Sports Unbalanced development Practice in China;非均衡发展理论与中国体育非均衡发展实践
7.On the Check and Balance of the Peasants Profit System in the First Thirty Years of New China;论建国后30年农民利益获得机制的制衡与失衡
8.To Discuss a Negotiation for Indemnity of Unskillful and Faulty Medical of Incomplete Information by Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium;利用完美贝叶斯均衡讨论不完全信息的医疗事故赔偿金的谈判
9.Promotes and Draw Back--On the Balance and the Imbalance between the 20th Century China Literature Theory and Creation;促进与促退——论20世纪中国文论与创作关系的平衡与失衡
10.On the Equilibrim between Private and Public Benefits in Intellectual Property of Our Country;论我国知识产权中私益与公益的平衡
11.Comment on International Literature on Private Benefits of Control Rights;衡量控制权私人收益的国际文献评论
12.On Balance of Right and Duty in Foreign Trading Agent System of China;论我国外贸代理制的“权责均衡化”
13.Discussion on the Imbalance of Higher Agriculture Education Market in China;论我国高等农业教育市场的非均衡性
14.The Balancer between Government and People:on the Administrative Court of Modern China;官与民的平衡器——论中国近代行政法院
15.On the Implication of Moving the Capital for Regional Harmonious Development in South Korea;论韩国迁都之区域均衡发展政策涵义
16.How to Administer A Corporation s Structure;浅论我国公司治理结构的失衡与对策
17.On National Treatment Obligations under GATT 1994 Article Ⅲ论GATT第三条国民待遇义务的衡量
18.The Conflict and Balance in the Legislation on the Detention Center System试论我国看守所立法中的冲突与平衡

The Research of China's Deluge Story Circle论中国洪水故事圈
3)Chinese cultural heritage国故
1.to reassess all the values) as the axes,"investigating problems","importing different doctrines and theories" and "putting Chinese cultural heritage in order" as the three most important tasks and "reforming Chinese civilization" as the only aim,Hu Shi s notion on "New Thoughts" forms itself into an interactive logical construction.胡适的“新思潮”观以“评判的态度”(即重新估定一切价值)为轴心,以“研究问题”、“输入学理”、“整理国故”为三大要务,以“再造文明”为惟一目的,形成一个相互联动的逻辑结构,这既是胡适为“再造文明”或重构文化所作的战略设计,又是其以渐进方式建设新文明或新文化的实践纲领。
4)Lun Heng《论衡》
1.Study of the Folk-custom Features and Significance Presented in the Book Lun Heng;试析《论衡》民俗描写的特征与意义
2.On syntax and semantics of the auxiliary verb "Neng" in Lun Heng;《论衡》中助动词“能”的句法和语义
1.Speech-chain Features of Comparative Sentences with the Characters of "尤,最"in Lunheng;《论衡》“尤、最”字比较句的话语链特点
2.The description of the adverbs from the middle Chinese used in Lunheng;《论衡》新兴语气副词描写
3.The Study of Fanyi Lianwen in Lunheng;《论衡》之“反义连文”研究
1.The Comparing Study of Conjunction Used in Lunheng and Chinese Buddhist Sutra in Eastern-Han Dynasty;东汉佛经与《论衡》连词比较研究
2.The Study of Counter and Complementary Words' Construction in Lunheng from Word Order从字序看《论衡》反义相成词的构成
3.His works are plentiful, but nowadays Lunheng is the only one we can find.他一生的著作甚丰,流传下来的就只有《论衡》一书。
