自序,self-made preface
1)self-made preface自序
1.This paper, based on the theory of macrostructures proposed by Van Dijk, makes a tentative contrastive study on macrostructures of Chinese and English self-made prefaces of linguistics works.本文试图以Van Dijk提出的“宏观结构”为理论基础,对中英文语言学专著自序的宏观结构进行一次尝试性的对比研究。
2)self order自有序
3)natural partial order自然偏序
1.In this paper,first,we study fuzzy ideals on abundant semigroups by using Green*-relations L*,R* on semigroups defined by Fountain in and the natural partial order theory on abundant semigroups introduced by Lawson in [3],and give some properties of fuzzy ideals on such semigroups.利用Fountain在文[1]中定义的半群S上的Green*-关系L*,R*及Lawson在文[3]中关于富足半群上的自然偏序理论研究了富足半群上的模糊理想,得到了富足半群上模糊理想的一些性质。
2.In this paper,we study the natural partial order on perfect rectangular bands of type-A semigroups.主要研究了-A半群基本矩形带上的自然偏序,证明了型-A半群基本矩形带上的自然偏序关于乘法是相容的,给出了型-A半群基本矩形带上的一些性质。
3.The natural partial order on a regular semigroup with a Q-regular*-transversal is characterized,and the conditions of the partial order on regular semigroups with a Q-regular-transversal to satisfy ■-majorization(minorization) and ρ-majorization(mino-rization) are concluded.刻画了具有Q-正则*-断面的正则半群的自然偏序,并得到该类半群上自然偏序满足■-优化(劣化),ρ-优化(劣化)的条件。

1.The Natural Partial Order on Right E-Full wlpp Semigroups右E-完全wlpp半群上的自然偏序
2.Unbiased investigation proves that Nature is not Chaos but a well-ordered system.不偏不倚的调查研究证明,大自然不是杂乱无章的混沌世界,一切皆已安排得井然有序。
3.Naturally the writer, too, has his view, his bias.作者自然也有自己的见解和偏执。
4.deviate from one's plan, the norm, the accepted procedure, etc偏离自己的计划、 标准、 一般的程序等.
5.Good job! You have done it with some grace, but your content isn't much(enough).做得不错,大方自然,只是内容偏少
6.remote and separate physically or socially.在自然上或者社会上偏远、隔离。
7.Orders the members of a specified set in a hierarchy in natural or, optionally, post-natural order.将层次结构中指定集合的成员按自然顺序或晚于自然顺序排序。
8.Research Progress of Polarized Skylight Navigation基于自然偏振光的自主导航新方法研究进展
9.Automatic Parallel Model of Grid-Based Pre-stack Depth Migration Process基于网格的叠前深度偏移程序自动并行化模型
10.As for the bias against manmade rather than natural hazards, people are responsible only for artificial risks, not for natural ones;对人为事故抱有偏见而不是对自然事故抱偏见,人们只对人为风险负责,而不对自然风险负责;
11.Men have a natural preference for women with youthfully narrow waists and full hips.男人很自然会偏好有青春细腰与丰臀的女人。
12.Nature had surely formed her in a partial mood.大自然肯定是怀着偏爱的心情创造了她。
13.Managers are naturally biased towards projects showing a quick return.管理人自然对短期內有回报的项目抱有偏爱。
14.Natural Deviation of Emotion Theory of Yuan Meis Personality Theory;论袁枚性灵说情感理论的自然主义偏向
15.You can sort data that is displayed in natural or custom order in ascending or descending order.可以按升序或降序对以自然顺序或自定义顺序 显示的数据进行排序。
16.a program to check natural language syntax.检查自然语言语法的程序。
17.in the natural course of events按照事情自然发展的程序
18.Such errors are listed and the program of course halts.把这种错误列举出来,程序就自然停

self order自有序
3)natural partial order自然偏序
1.In this paper,first,we study fuzzy ideals on abundant semigroups by using Green*-relations L*,R* on semigroups defined by Fountain in and the natural partial order theory on abundant semigroups introduced by Lawson in [3],and give some properties of fuzzy ideals on such semigroups.利用Fountain在文[1]中定义的半群S上的Green*-关系L*,R*及Lawson在文[3]中关于富足半群上的自然偏序理论研究了富足半群上的模糊理想,得到了富足半群上模糊理想的一些性质。
2.In this paper,we study the natural partial order on perfect rectangular bands of type-A semigroups.主要研究了-A半群基本矩形带上的自然偏序,证明了型-A半群基本矩形带上的自然偏序关于乘法是相容的,给出了型-A半群基本矩形带上的一些性质。
3.The natural partial order on a regular semigroup with a Q-regular*-transversal is characterized,and the conditions of the partial order on regular semigroups with a Q-regular-transversal to satisfy ■-majorization(minorization) and ρ-majorization(mino-rization) are concluded.刻画了具有Q-正则*-断面的正则半群的自然偏序,并得到该类半群上自然偏序满足■-优化(劣化),ρ-优化(劣化)的条件。
4)auto sort order自动标序
5)self reflexive signed order自反演序
1.An axiomatic treatment of this topic is carried out by the authors and a lexicographic ordering satisfying Fishburn Monotone Extension based on his self reflexive signed order ( X∪X * ,  1) is constructed.基于一般字典序构造中存在的困难,以Fishburn提出的自反演序(X∪X*,1)为基础,构造了满足Fishburn单调性扩张的完备的字典序L。
6)automatic sorting自动排序
1.To solve the manually sorting and layout problem of part numbers in 3D CAD assembly drawing environment,the automatic sorting and layout algorithms are presented,in which simple part numbers can be sorted with the symbol sorting approach.为解决三维CAD系统装配序号的手工排序与布局难题,提出了序号自动排序和自动布局算法。
2.In this paper, considering the characteristics of the camera to obtain images, we research image registration and image automatic sorting problem.传统获得高质量全景图的方法都依赖于特殊设备,这类的图像拼接算法难以满足更广泛的需要,本文考虑结合手持相机获取图像的特点,针对图像配准和图像的自动排序问题进行了研究。

宋元戏曲考自序《宋元戏曲考》于1913年成书,由国学大师王国维所著。1915年,商务印书馆初版时候更名《宋元戏曲史》。这是中国最早的一部关于戏曲历史的书籍。全书共有十六章,探讨中国戏曲形成过程、戏剧的渊源及戏剧文学,并且以宋元两朝为重点,还兼及曲调的专著,材料丰富,态度谨严,对杂剧的断代更为研究界长期沿用。 来源:[[1]]而这篇自序包含了王国维先生丰富的文学思想,特别是“凡一代有一代之文学”也是文学研究者特别爱引用的名句。附录:王国维《宋元戏曲考》自序凡一代有一代之文学:楚之骚,汉之赋,六代之骈语,唐之诗,宋之词,元之曲,皆所谓一代之文学,而后世莫能继焉者也。独元人之曲,为时既近,托体稍卑,故两朝史志与《四库》集部,均不著于录;后世儒硕,皆鄙弃不复道。而为此学者,大率不学之徒;即有一二学子,以余力及此,亦未有能观其会通,窥其奥窔者。遂使一代文献,郁堙沈晦者且数百年,愚甚惑焉。往者读元人杂剧而善之;以为能道人情,状物态,词采俊拔,而出乎自然,盖古所未有,而后人所不能仿佛也。辄思究其渊源,明其变化之迹,以为非求诸唐宋辽金之文学,弗能得也;乃成《曲录》六卷,《戏曲考原》一卷,《宋大曲考》一卷,《优语录》二卷,《古剧脚色考》一卷,《曲调源流表》一卷。从事既久,续有所得,颇觉昔人之说,与自己之书,罅漏日多,而手所疏记,与心所领会者,亦日有增益。壬子岁莫,旅居多暇,乃以三月之力,写为此书。凡诸材料,皆余所蒐集;其所说明,亦大抵余之所创获也。世之为此学者自余始,其所贡于此学者亦以此书为多,非吾辈才力过于古人,实以古人未尝为此学故也。写定有日,辄记其缘起,其有匡正补益,则俟诸异日云。海宁王国维序。来源:[[2]]