兼和,unity of contradictions
compatibility and variety兼容性和多样性
1.The dwelling houses have compatibility and variety, humanity and scientific and affinity, quiet spot in a noisy neighborhood, cool in summer and warm in winter, suitable for people to live in.里分住宅的设计建造具有兼容性和多样性、人文性和科学性以及浓郁的亲和性、闹中取静,冬暖夏凉,适合人居住。
3)match needs with possibilities兼顾需要和可能
4)Freedom of thought and all-embracing思想自由和兼容并包
5)network externality and compatibility网络的兼容性和外部性
6)One cannot eat one's cake and have it鱼和熊掌不可兼得
