理欲,Justice and human lust
1)Justice and human lust理欲

1.A New Arguement on Relation between Reason and Desire;再辩理欲——关于理欲关系的哲学新思考
2.An instinctive physical desire, especially one for food or drink.食欲一种本能生理欲望,尤指对食品或饮料
3.About the Liyu and Yili in Zhu-Xi s Theory;论朱熹理学中的“理欲”与“义利”
4.The Modern Revelation of the Thinking abont"Making the Course Of Nature Existent and the Desire Of Human Extinct"--Re-comment On Zhu Xi s View Of Reason and Desire;"存天理,灭人欲"思想的现代启示——重评朱熹的理欲
5.The Modern Revelation of the Thinking about "Making the Course of Nature Existent and the Desire of Human Extinct"--Re-comment on Zhu Xi s View of Reason and Desire;“存天理,灭人欲”思想的现代启示——重评朱熹的理欲
6.From "Uphold Justice, Annihilate Desire" to "Justice is Desire;从“存天理,灭人欲”到“天理就是人欲”
7.Exploration of the Transformation from "Keeping the Justice, Eliminating the Desire" to "The Justice Being the Desire;试探从"存理灭欲"到"理即欲"的转换
8.Rationality Eros politics--on Eros and civilization理性、爱欲、政治——解读《爱欲与文明》
9.oral complex口欲型情结(心理学)
10.Universal ethics: Never impose upon others what you dislike yourself. Mind if others like what you like.普世伦理:己所不欲,勿施于人;己之所欲,观需施人。
11.Desire and Insanity:A Streetcar Named Desire;《欲望号街车》:以疯癫为代价讲述主体欲望的真理
12.Love, Desire of Love and Libido --On the sexual ethics of “Western Marxism”;爱情、爱欲与性欲——评“西方马克思主义”性伦理学
13.(psychoanalysis) psychic energy produced by the libido.心理分析中的由性欲引起的心理能量。
14.A desire cannot, in itself, be either rational or irrational.欲望本身无合理或不合理可言。
15.On the Relation between Principles and Desires of Chinese Traditional Ethics Thought;中国传统伦理思想中的“理”、“欲”关系论
16.The Reason Burdened with Desire --Wang Chuan-shan s Critique of the Differentiation between Principle and Desire in Neo-confucianism;背负着欲望的理性思考——王船山对宋明儒学存理去欲观念的批判
17.Such a longing is contrary to reason, and it may rightly be called desire or lust.这种期待是违反理性的,可以正确地称呼它为欲望或贪欲。
18.a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire.对强烈欲望的一种生理状态。

Desires Extinguishing存理灭欲
3)relation of reason and desire理欲关系
4)Argue of Truth and Desire理欲之辨
5)nature and sentiment性、情(理、欲)
6)ambitious psychology欲望心理
1.In this way,we can understand her increasing "ambitious psychology" in deeper aspect.运用马斯洛需求层次理论来分析嘉莉在不同时期的追求,以一个独特的视角诠释她"欲望心理"不断升级的内在成因。
