一阴一阳之谓道,Dao contains one Yin and one Yang
1)Dao contains one Yin and one Yang一阴一阳之谓道
1.According to the idea that Dao contains one Yin and one Yang, they presented several particular political ideas, in.它是一部哲学著作,同时也体现着古人对于社会政治的众多学说,其政治思想的主要精神是对社会和谐发展的追求,在遵循“一阴一阳之谓道”的发展规律下,形成了包括:为君之德,以民为本,君臣共治,顺时应变,尊卑有位等具体理论的政治思想内容。

1.An ancient Chinese said: "The yin and the yang make up the Tao."[3]中国古人讲,“一阴一阳之谓道”[3]。
2.On HAN Kang-bo’s annotation on “(the interaction between) yin and yang is called the Dao”;对韩康伯“一阴一阳之谓道”注的理解
3.A Comparative Study of Paintings by Van Gogh and Escher from the Perspective of Yin and Yang;“一阴一阳之谓道”——凡·高与埃舍尔画作的比较学释义
4.Without yin, there would be no yang; without yang, there would also be no yin.(1)没有阴,无所谓阳;没有阳,也无所谓阴。
5.Combination of Image and Spirit, Unity of Inside and Outside──Yin Yang and Martial Art;武术“形神兼备、内外合一”与阴阳学说之关系
6.On Sun Governing Cold Water,Taiyin Governing Wind Heat--One of Cold and Febrile Differentiation Systems论太阳主寒水、太阴主风热——寒温辨证系统论之一
7.A Strand of Sunlight under Shadow --The Free Marriage Except For those of The Parent′s Order And Matchmaker′s Words;阴霾下的一缕阳光——先秦“父母之命,媒妁之言”外之自由婚姻
8."a. Penn' s "Bonnie and Clyde"(1967) served as the starting point for the so-called youth generation films, along with "The Graduate"(1967 ) and "Easy Rider"(1969)."a.佩恩所拍逍遥骑手)(1969)一道被视为所谓"青年一代"影片的发韧之作。
9." A dust plume rose and hazed the air with fine grit and he squinted against it.”风卷起一阵灰尘,街道笼罩在迷雾阴霾之中。
10.Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vagina.阴道炎:阴道的炎症,一般由感染所致。
11.Hardship, frustrating and discouraging, is the God of the destiny that changing unpredictably all the time.使人沉沦的和令人绝望的苦难,就是有着一副阴阳脸的命运之神。
12.Yin-Yang-Wu-Xing and Nature and Man in Perfect Harmony: Dong Zhongshu s Idea of Nature and Man and Aesthetic;阴阳五行与天地之美——董仲舒的天人合一思想及其审美理念
13.The so-called visual display unit is in fact a cathode ray tube.所谓可见显示装置实际上是一个阴极射线管。
14.pepe bend with male and female thread一头带阳螺纹一头带阴螺纹的弯头
15.How could he be so two-faced?他怎么能这么阴一套阳一套的?
16.Liu, who had been a small merchant, never made a move without first consulting the stars. Third Fairy was the wife of a fellow named Yu Fu.二诸葛原来叫刘修德,当年做过生意,抬脚动手都要论一论阴阳八卦,看一看黄道黑道。
17.A medicated vaginal suppository.(一种药物)阴道栓剂
18.The orbits of the planets are ellipses with the sun at one focus.行星的轨道是以太阳作为焦点之一的椭圆。

yin and yang一阴一阳
1.On HAN Kang-bo’s annotation on “(the interaction between) yin and yang is called the Dao”;对韩康伯“一阴一阳之谓道”注的理解
3)the way of yin and yang阴阳之道
4)About Yin and Yang"一阴一阳"解
5)unity of yin and yang阴阳一体
1.The author analyzed the Neo-confucianism background of "unity of yin and yang" theory of Zhang Jiebin,a famous doctor in Ming Dynasty and his explanation in medical field.分析明代医家张介宾"阴阳一体"论的理学背景,以及在医理阐释中的发挥。
6)act one way in public and another in private; be engaged in double-dealing阴一套,阳一套

一阴一阳之谓道  中国易学表述矛盾法则的命题。语见《周易·系辞上》。认为事物都有阴阳两个方面、两种力量,相反相成,相互推移,不可偏废,构成事物的本性及其运动的法则。无论自然、人事,都表现此道。    自汉代以来,易学家和哲学家对这一命题有不同的解释。西汉京房以"二气相感而成体"、"不可执一为定象" 解释 "一阴一阳之谓道"。唐杨士勋《穀梁传疏》引王弼对这一命题的解释:"一阴一阳者,或谓之阴,或谓之阳,不可定名也。"晋韩康伯认为"道"是"无之称",其无形体,而有功用。他说:"阴阳虽殊,无一以待之。在阴为无阴,阴以之生;在阳为无阳,阳以之成,故曰一阴一阳也。"他反对以实有来说明阴、阳与道。宋代程颐以"所以阴阳者"解释"道",以阴阳为"气";朱熹则说:"阴阳迭运者,气也。其理则所谓道。"唯物主义者张载以气化过程解释道,认为气兼有阴阳两方面,称为"兼体而无累",气在变化过程中总有清浊、动静、屈伸两个方面而不偏废,天地万物都如此。王夫之继承张载的学说,认为道是阴阳二气的统一体及其相互作用的规律,以对立统一观点解释一阴一阳;认为任何对立的事物(包括卦象)既相反又相通,既相分又相结合,"一一云者,相合以成主持而分剂之谓也";指出只见"一致"(统一)为"庸人",只见"两行"(对立)为"妄人",将古代的辩证法思想推向新的水平。但张载和王夫之都认为事物在发展中,阴阳对立终将"和而解",未能认识到对立面斗争的绝对性。