人道原则,principle of humanity
1)principle of humanity人道原则
2)Medical humanistic principle医学人道原则
3)principle of humanitarianism人道主义原则

1.an advocate of the principles of humanism.人道主义原则的倡导者。
2.The Comment on The Art of Language of Ш. Α. Αмонашвили阿莫纳什维利基于人道主义原则的语言艺术
3.Declaration of Guiding Principles for Humanitarian Assistance人道主义援助指导原则宣言
4.principled pragmatism and unprincipled expediency; a principled person.道德实用主义和不道德的利己主义;一个有原则的人。
5.Joint Declaration on the Guiding Principles for Humanitarian Assistance关于人道主义援助指导原则的联合声明
6.Declaration of Principles for International Humanitarian Relief to the Civil Population in Disaster Situations对灾难中平民进行国际人道主义救济原则宣言
7.In the ethics history, esteem is the basic principle of humanitarianism.在伦理思想史上,尊重是人道主义的基本原则。
8.The Impaction of“Humanitarian Intervention”to Basic Principles of International Law;“人道主义干涉”对国际法基本原则的冲击
9.Explore the Truth of Marx s Theory;探求马克思学说的真谛——《劳动人道主义——马克思主义的原则》简介
10.Principles and Norms Governing Cooperation among States and Government of the Horn of Africa in Humanitarian Matters指导非洲之角国家和政府在人道主义事务方面合作的原则和准则
11.they approve of collectivism but have a tendency of individualism, money worship and hedonism;赞同集体主义的道德原则,但也出现了个人主义、拜金主义和享乐主义倾向;
12.The Collectivism as Defence of Only Principle for Moral Construction of Socialism;集体主义作为社会主义道德建设唯一原则辩
13.Justice Is An Important Principle of Socialist Moral System;公正是社会主义道德体系的重要原则
14.The Framework and the Principle of Socialism Moral Construction;社会主义道德的总体框架及构建原则
15.In the actual practice of criminal reform, China pays close attention to implementing the principles of humanitarianism.中国在改造罪犯的实践中注意贯彻人道主义的原则。
16.Individualism is the basic idea of value, moral rule and political theory of western neoteric and modern society.个人主义是西方近现代社会基本的价值观、道德原则和政治理念。
17."The Four Cardinal Principles are: to keep to the socialist road and to uphold the people's democratic dictatorship, leadership by the Communist Party, and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought."四项基本原则是:坚持社会主义道路,坚持人民民主专政,坚持党的领导,坚持马列主义毛泽东思想
18.On the Corpus Principles of the Socialism Road with Chinese Characteristics论中国特色社会主义道路的主体性原则

Medical humanistic principle医学人道原则
3)principle of humanitarianism人道主义原则
4)humanistic and perceptual principle人道主义理性原则
1.On great extent,the spirit inherited by the deep tradition culture of Chinese nation and his inherent sense of suffering and his humanistic and perceptual principles are covered by Yang s literature spirit.“压不扁的玫瑰花”精神是人们对台湾著名作家杨逵精神品格的根本认同,也是人们解读其文学价值的不二视角,但这一认识却在很大程度上遮蔽了杨逵文学精神在深层次上承续着的中华民族深厚的传统文化精神及其与生俱来的忧患意识,以及在“五四”新文化运动中建构起的人道主义理性原则。
5)principle of humanitarianism of punishment刑罚人道主义原则
6)On Humane Principle of Physical Education论体育的人道原则

资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)humanism of bourgeoisie  划c豹。川论Ur邸d。。2卜Uyi赛产阶级人道主义51已今见人道主义。位咖_、九。夕仆卯铭e价