孔门弟子,Confucian disciples
1)Confucian disciples孔门弟子

1.The Orientation of Analogy Entity of Confucius and His Followers in the Analects of Confucius;《论语》中孔子及孔门弟子之喻体取向探析
2.Yes, I am here. Confucius had three thousand disciples. Am I not the three thousand and first?我是来了,孔门弟子三千,我算不算三千零一呢?
3.On Image of the Confucianism Disciples Modeled in the Classical Fictions依经傍史,发挥演绎——中国古典小说孔门弟子形象塑造摭谈
4.From Confucius’ Disciples to Division of Mencius and Xun Zi --To Ponder the Differences of Various Shools of Confucianism from bamboo book Zhong Gong of Shanghai Museum;从孔子弟子到孟、荀异途——由上博竹书《中弓》思考孔门学术分别
5.Companions of the Prophet撒哈比(圣门弟子)
6.Xing Tan is the place where Confucius taught his disciples.杏坛是孔子教授弟子读书的地方。
7.Viewing Artistic Viewpoints of Confucius and His Disciples from the Analects of Confucius从《论语》看孔子及弟子的艺术观
8.Out of Confucius' Residence, I looked back at' the couplet pasted on each side of the gate.孔子孔子,大哉孔子! ”出得孔府,回首看府门。
9.An adherent of the teachings of Confucius.孔子的门徒孔子儒教的追随者
10.Brief analysis on Confucius’ education about politics--Focus on The Analects略论孔子如何教育弟子为政——以《论语》为考察中心
11.""OMS St. Simon" Home for Fishermen's and Workmen's Children"圣西门渔民及工友子弟之家
12.Brief Research on the Disciples of CHEN Zi-long at Songjiang Area in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty;明末清初松江地区“龙门”弟子考略
13.A Study of the Rhyming of Folk Nanxi "Huan Men Zi Di Cuo Li Shen;民间南戏《宦门子弟错立身》曲韵考
14.Family Tradition Passes From One Generation to Another--Family Influence on the Character of Kong Rong;虽在父兄 可移子弟——论孔融心性气质的家学渊源
15.How Confucius Educated his Disciples with "The Book of Songs;淑人君子,正是国人——谈谈孔子是如何运用《诗经》教育弟子的
16.The Study of Confucius' Student Liang Zhan's Birth Age:Concurrently Discuss Chinese Ancient System of "Divorcing a Wife Because of No Son"孔子弟子梁鳣生年考——兼论中国古代的“无子出妻”制
17.his followers grew in number and influence and modified his doctrines.他的弟子越来越多,影响也越来越大,他们修改孔子的信条。
18.Coufucius liked to teach his disciples the following four subjects: culture, conduct, faithfulness and truthfulness.孔子平日教导他的弟子们这四种科目:文化、为、诚、实。

Hananese disciples of Confucius孔门河南籍弟子
3)the disciples of Confucius孔子弟子
1.Early Confucian represented by the disciples of Confucius devoted themselves to the propagation and spread of Confucian doctrine, and made great efforts to promote the union between Confucius theory and political practice.以孔子弟子为代表的早期儒家致力于孔子学说的传播与弘扬,努力推进孔子学说与政治实践的结合,不仅使儒学被确立为鲁国的治国指导思想,而且还开创了道德指导政治的成功范例。
4)Students of the Zhang School章门弟子
1.A Tentative Analysis of the Internal Disintegration of the Students of the Zhang School;试析章门弟子的内部分化
5)the students of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi程门弟子
1.The relationship between Hu Anguo and the students of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi is an important academic problem.胡安国与程门弟子的关系问题,是一个很重要的学术问题,它既关系到程氏之学的流传,又关系到湖湘学派的思想来源,澄清这一问题是有重要的学理意义的。
6)YaoNai's disciples姚门弟子
