蔡清,Cai Qing
1)Cai Qing蔡清
1.CAI Qing's Development and Expansion from ZHU Xi's Original Meanings of the Zhouyi——Taking His Annotations of Two Idioms as Case Studies蔡清对朱熹《本义》的折中修正——以“保合太和”与“继善成性”的注解为例
2.Cai Qing was a famous scholar who embraced Zhu Xi\'s theory/Neo- Confucianism in the middle of Ming Dynasty, when the doctrine of Yangming Mind-Nature had gradually prevailed.蔡清是明代中叶著名的朱子学者,其时正是阳明心学滥觞并逐渐兴盛之际,他著书立说,揭露批判心学之弊端,极力捍卫朱子学的正统地位,是当时朱子学派的中流砥柱。

1.CAI Qing's Development and Expansion from ZHU Xi's Original Meanings of the Zhouyi--Taking His Annotations of Two Idioms as Case Studies蔡清对朱熹《本义》的折中修正——以“保合太和”与“继善成性”的注解为例
2.Case Study on Local Dwelling in LianJian County FuJian Province in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Period of the Republic of China;福建省连江县清末民初时期蔡氏民宅个案研究
3.Analysis of dual and antagonistic personalities of CAI Shui-qing s in the story the rain moistened cigarette;骊歌之行 丁忧之途——析《雨把烟打湿了》中蔡水清形象的双重人格
4.Comparative Study about the Art of Teaching of YuYi, Qian Meng-long and Cai Cheng-qing under the Field of Vision of theNew Curriculum;新课程视野下于漪、钱梦龙、蔡澄清教学艺术比较研究
5.Modern view on personality of the Revolutionists between the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China;清末民初革命派的近代人格思想——以刘师培、蔡元培为考察中心
6.Comments on Cai Chengqing s educational thought on Chinese teaching;科学的教学观 先进的方法论——蔡澄清语文教育思想述评
7.Experiment Research on Mr. Cai Chengqing s Education Theory of How to Bring Out Theme in Chinese Teaching;蔡澄清语文点拨教学探索——当代著名语文教改实验研究系列之二
8.Visitors to the American History Museum in Washington can see exactly how Ms. Child's kitchen was organized.来华盛顿参观美国历史博物馆的游客们能够清楚地看到蔡尔德女士的厨房的结构,
9.Clearness and Softness,Strictness and Multiplicity,Frankness and Tenderness--Walking closely to three seniors of literary renown in Fujian:Guo Feng,He Wei and Cai Qi-qiao;清丽柔婉、谨严多元与直率温情——走近福建文坛三老:郭风、何为与蔡其矫
10."Hang on a minute, Tsai Chen!"“慢点儿走,蔡真!
11.Oh, I like Cai Yilin.噢,我喜欢蔡依林。
12.On the Origin of Cai Shi Jun Chuan of Dong Po Wai Ji;《东坡外集·蔡使君传》即《南史·蔡道恭传》辨
13.Childs-Collis-George model蔡尔兹-科利斯-乔治模型
14.Zeiss-Endter particle-size analyser蔡斯-恩特粒度分析仪
15.In the Han Dynasty, the famous calligrapher Cai Yong wrote about Jiuyi with deep feelings like this:汉朝蔡邕也感慨万千:
16.You too, Tsai Chen, you'd better not hang about any longer!蔡真,你也不能再延挨了!
17.Chai Zhengren &nbap [State First-Class Artist]蔡正仁[国家一级演员]
18.ACHITSAIKHAN, Tsagandorjiin查干道金·阿其蔡罕

Cai Cheng-qing蔡澄清
1.Comparative Study about the Art of Teaching of YuYi, Qian Meng-long and Cai Cheng-qing under the Field of Vision of theNew Curriculum;新课程视野下于漪、钱梦龙、蔡澄清教学艺术比较研究
3)On the Study of Cai Qing's Philosophy Thought蔡清哲学思想研究
5)Cai Lun蔡伦
1.On Paper-making Technique Invented by Cai Lun;论蔡伦及其造纸术的发明
2.An Investigation of the Origin of Paper making Technology in Ancient China and Cai Lun’s Position in Paper making History;中国古代造纸法的渊源及蔡伦在造纸史上的地位
3.Floc paper and Cai Lun;絮纸和蔡伦——答青年学者段纪纲、雷玉德
6)Cai Gan蔡淦
1.Cai Gan's Experience in Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Functional Constipation;蔡淦辨证治疗功能性便秘经验
2.Characteristics of Professor Cai Gan s Herbal Pastes for Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders;蔡淦调治慢性胃肠病膏方特色
