节欲,morality and amenity
1)morality and amenity节欲
1.This article will study and reflect on the Confucius views on sex by focusing on human nature,the ideology of abstinence,morality and amenity,and female sex.本文从人的自然性、节欲思想、道德礼仪及女性之性四个角度揭示先秦儒家的性观念,以及阐述由此引起的思考。

1.The way in regulating and guiding man's social desire is against gastronomy, for abstinence;调控和引导人的社会欲望的手段是 :反对享乐主义 ,提倡节欲文化 ;
2." Birth control: Voluntary limiting of human reproduction, using such means as contraception, sexual abstinence, surgical sterilization, and induced abortion."节育:自愿地限制人类生育,方法包括避孕、节欲、绝育和人工流产。
3.These include aspects of self-control, religion, postures, regulation of breath, restraint of senses, steadying of the mind, meditation, and profound thought.这包括了自制、信仰、体位、调息、节欲、内省、冥想和三摩地。
4."...Oh, let me fling down my official seal, Let me be a lone fisherman in a small Boat"思欲委符节, 引竿自刺船,
5.The act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite, as for food.节食避免放纵欲望的行为或习惯,如食欲
6.indulge to satiety, as of one's appetite.不节制某人的食欲以至过饱。
7.Lack of temperance, as in the indulgence of an appetite or a passion.缺乏节制,如放纵食欲或情绪
8.not totally abstinent but abstemious.不是完全禁欲,而是有节制。
9.Partial or complete abstention from sexual activity.节制性欲部分或完全地避免性行为
10.Inordinate desire is at the root of all evils.无节制的欲望是一切罪恶的根源。
11.Be realistic. It's not Sex and the City.别作梦了。这可不是欲望城市的情节啊。
12.The rain falls thick and fast on All Souls' festive day, /The men and women sadly move along the way清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂
13."rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go."""清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。"
14.The area in the brain that is believed to regulate appetite and food intake食欲反射区认为能调节食欲和食物摄入的脑内区域
15.The Study of Monosyllabic and Disyllabic Desiderative-Adjectives;单双音节意欲形容词句法语义特征考察
16.About the Psychological Thought of the Essence and Adjustment of Zhuangzi s Mood and Desire;庄子情欲本质及其调节的心理思想管窥
17.Lechery and Death --the Revelation of life by going over the plots of Jin Ping Mei;纵欲与死亡——《金瓶梅》情节梳理的生命启示
18.What can you do to control yourself, especially during the holiday season?你该怎样做才能控制自己的食欲,尤其在节假期间呢?

controlling one's avarice节制贪欲
1.In putting ecologic ethics into practice, it is essential for humamnity getting harmoniously along with nature that mankind uphold the principles of sustainable development, justice, whole, technical support, but the principle of controlling one's avarice is critical and most important.在生态伦理付诸实践过程中,可持续发展原则、整体性原则、公正性原则、技术支撑原则对人与自然和谐发展都是必要的,而节制贪欲原则是关键的。
3)ardor regulation情欲调节
1.The traditional Chinese culture contains abundant thoughts of ardor regulation.中国传统文化中蕴涵着丰富的情欲调节思想。
4)appetite regulation食欲调节
5)control desire and be content with one's lot节欲知足
6)abstinence theory节欲论
