阴阳交感,inter action of yin and yang
1)inter action of yin and yang阴阳交感

1.Putting in Order the Theory of Yinqi and Yin-yang Sympathesis in Neijing;《内经》阴气与阴阳交感理论的系统整理
2.a lawn chequered with sunlight and shade有阳光和阴影交错的草坪.
3.In a sunless morning; the cold feeling is intense.不见阳光的早晨,强烈感觉到那份阴冷。
4.the masculine [feminine, neuter, common] gender阳 [阴,中,通] 性
5.Research on the Sulfuric Acid Wastewater Treatment and Recycling by Strong Base Ion-exchange Resin SA20;阴离子交换树脂处理阳极氧化槽液的研究
6.On Masculine and Gentle Integration--Comments on the Art of Calligraphy of Zhu Xi and Zhang Jizhi;阳刚与阴柔的交响——朱熹与张即之书法艺术评介
7.Status of HBV infection in HBsAg-negative and anti-HBC-positive populationHBsAg阴性、抗-HBe和/或抗-HBc阳性者HBV感染分析
8.Analysis on False Positive and False Negative of MRI Diagnosis in Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament膝关节前交叉韧带撕裂MRI诊断的假阳性和假阴性分析
9.My clouds, sorrowing in the dark, forget that they themselves have hided the sun.我的云霭在阴暗中感伤,忘记了是它自己将太阳遮翳。
10.The sensitivity was 100%, specificity was 98.4%, CLR was 62.9 and CR was zero.其诊断敏感性100%,特异性98.4%,阳性拟然比32.26,阴性拟然比为0。
11.Gram-positive organisms accounted for 34.3 % of isolations,while gram-negative for 60.8 % and fungus for 4.9%.革兰阳性菌、革兰阴性菌和真菌感染分别占34.3%、60.8%、4.9%。
12.Untrafast Kinetics of Electron Transfer from J-Aggregated to AgBrI Microcrystals Sensitized by Anionic-cationic Cyanine Dyes;阴阳离子菁染料增感卤化银体系电子转移超快动力学研究
13.Difference between Ghost and Human But Emotion for Ever--Emotion Features in Novels of Human & Ghost Love in Tang Dynasty;阴阳虽殊,情却不已——试析唐代人鬼恋小说的情感特征
14.Distribution and drug resistance among Gram-negative bacteria from respiratory tract infections湖南衡阳地区呼吸道感染革兰阴性杆菌的菌群分布及耐药性分析
15.Without yin, there would be no yang; without yang, there would also be no yin.(1)没有阴,无所谓阳;没有阳,也无所谓阴。
16.It is impossible to have only the yin without the yang, or vice versa.不能只有阴没有阳,或者只有阳没有阴。
17.The theory "inducing Yang from Yin, inducing Yin from Yang" and clinical application“从阴引阳,从阳引阴”理论及临床应用
18.Discussion on Doctrine of Yin-Yang Sleep and Dream from the Medicinal Classical Theroy to Scientific Frontline从阴阳二十五度论中医阴阳睡梦学说

imbalance of yin and yang阴阳失交
1.It is also argued that yin-blood and the pathologic changes belong to imbalance of yin and yang.探讨不寐的病因病机与辨证治疗 ,认为其病因与心脾肝肾及阴血不足有关 ,病理变化总属阳盛阴衰、阴阳失交。
3)yin-yang interlocking阴阳交
4)Yin and yang mingle together阴阳相交
5)cation and anion exchange阳阴离子交换
1.The Deliberation in the Relation between The Yin-yang Physique Theory in The Yellow Emperor s Internal Classic and Theory of Human Nature;对《黄帝内经》阴阳体质学说人性论哲学基础的思考
2.An Early History of the Jing-Mai Doctrine:Qi,Yin-Yang and Mystic Numbers;经脉学说的早期历史:气、阴阳与数字
3.Wavelet Analysis Theory in the Perspective of Yin-Yang Philosophy;“阴阳”哲学视角下的小波分析理论

阴阳交阴阳交 阴阳交   病名。热病汗出后复发热、汗出、脉躁、狂言的危证。因阳邪入于阴分,交结不解所致。《素问·评热论》:“有病温者,汗出辄复热,而脉躁疾,不为汗衰,狂言不能食,……病名阴阳交。”