明分使群,"mingfen shiqun"
theory of distinction between individualism and collectivism明分使群说
1.The combination of evil-nature theory,theory of distinction between individualism and collectivism,theory of elimination of evil in human nature and theory of rites three orientations,theory of rites accor."先王制礼论"与"性恶论"、"明分使群说"、"化性起伪说"以及"礼有三本说"紧密相连,共同构成了荀子极富特色的礼学思想体系。
3)Fuzzy Group不分明群
1.Fuzzy Group Problem Under A t-Norm;一个t—范数下的不分明群问题
4)Turn a stampede.使群众分心
5)crisp topological groups分明拓扑群
1.The stratiform structure for the product is studied,and the relation is given between the product and direct product of crisp topological groups.研究了L-Fuzzy拓扑群的直积的层次结构,揭示了它与分明拓扑群的直积之间的联
6)fuzzifying groups不分明化群
1.In this paper,we introduce the concept of fuzzifying groups based on many valued logic and investigate some algebraic properties of normal subgroups,coset and homomorphism.给出了基于多值逻辑上的不分明化群的概念,从一个新的方向讨论了模糊代数结构,研究了正规子群、陪集和同态映射等代数性质。

无明使【无明使】 (术语)十使之一。无明能驱使人使流转于三界,故名使。