反身而诚,sincerity and earnestness
1)sincerity and earnestness反身而诚

1.There is no greater delight than to be conscious of sincerity on self-examination.反身而诚,乐莫大焉。(真诚地反省自己,没有比这更大的乐趣了。)
2.""Honest but poor "" is the converse of ""poor but honest "".“诚实而穷”是“穷而诚实”的反语。
3.Sometimes, it's wise to be direct with people.有时候,坦诚与人交往反而是明智之举。
4.but people are more devoted to their professions.但是对职业的忠诚,反而增加。
5.I did it with my hatchet." Instead of punishment, George received praise for telling the truth.乔治非但未被惩罚,反而因为诚实而被赞赏。
6."Loyalty to one's company is gone and lost, But people are more devoted to their professions."对公司的忠诚,可说是荡然无存;但是对职业的忠诚,反而增加。
7.Third, loyalty to one's company is gone and lost, but people are more devoted to their professions.第三点,对公司的忠诚,可说是荡然无存,但是对职业的忠诚,反而增加。
8.We should devote ourselves assiduously and faithfully to the duties of our profession.我们应当勤奋地而且忠诚地献身于我们的职责。
9.King can not get along without rascal; on the contrary, they should fear to trust the honest and upright.君主身边不能缺少恶棍流氓。相反,他们倒不敢任用诚实与正直的人。
10.revolt from one's allegiance to反叛, 对...不再忠诚
11.Curses come home to roost.诅咒他人,反而应验到自己身上。
12.He is, if anything, a little weaker today.他今天身体反而比较弱一点。
13.KJV] If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.[新译]如果有人自以为虔诚,却不约束他的舌头,反而自己欺骗自己,这人的虔诚是没有用的。
14.It remains a mystery why some of the birds were honest while other members of the flock were corrupt.为何乌鸦中有一些诚实而其余的却相反,这还是一个谜。
15.Far from giving Ella the sack, she had developed the some wistful respec for her.她不但没有解雇埃拉,反而渐渐地产生出对埃拉的真诚的敬意。
16.When one is to amiable to be loyal, he will lose his principle.而反过来,一个人太随和,没有忠诚,这个人就失去原则。
17.She leaned slightly forward with a conscientious expression.她身子微微前倾,一脸诚心诚意的神情。
18.It's not the fact of examinations I'm quarrelling with; it's the way they're conducted.我反对的不是考试本身,而是考试的方式。

becoming sincere after self-examination反省而诚
3)from Jen(human-heartedness) to perfection由敬而诚
4)"fan er"反而
1.Then in the text, what s the specific characteristic of the coherent function of "fan er"? Anti-climax is a special pattern, and does it exist initially? There has been no deep and thorough research focusing on this question yet.“反而”是一个评注性副词,除了表示各种评注义以外,还兼有承上启下的连贯和衔接的功能。
5)To stand erect挺身而立
6)go away quickly and quietly脱身而去
