避世,being pessimistic and withdrawn from society
1)being pessimistic and withdrawn from society避世
1.On the basis of the papers published by Qu Qiubai in NEW SOCIETY, this article analyses and points out the features of Qu Qiubai’s earlier thoughts:advancing from being pessimistic and withdrawn from society to cheering up and going forward,looking forward to the coming society and transient perplexitx on how to realize i通过对瞿秋白在《新社会》旬刊上发表的文章为分析依据 ,可以认为 ,从避世、厌世到打起精神、往前干去 ;以及对未来社会的美好向往和对如何实现社会理想的暂时困惑 ,构成了瞿秋白早期思想的主要内容。

1."Not permitted to escape men, I think of escaping the world.Alone I maintain a lingering intoxication and delight in the withering flowers."“未许避人思避世,独扶浅醉赏残花”。
2.She decided to be a nun in order to avoid the earthly misfortunes.她决定作一名修女来躲避世上的不幸。
3.You hide in the Internet,leaving messages everyday.Keep away from the out world,waiting for the pretty.士隐于网络兮,终日留言;避世之繁复兮,以待美女。
4.International Dodging Tax and Anti-dodging Tax after WTO Entry;“入世”态势下的国际避税与反避税
5.to escape men and to return to God.远避人世,皈依上帝。
6.World Federation for Voluntary Surgical Contraception世界自愿接受外科避孕手术联合会
7.Our country is a sanctuary for political refugees from all over the world.我国是全世界政治难民的避难所.
8.World Contraceptive-use Data Diskettes, 1991世界避孕药具使用数据磁盘,
9.There is a way of avoiding which resembles seeking.世间有那么一种躲避,恰好象是追求。
10.The Legal Basic Method to evade payment of duty of enterprise of out country after entering the WTO;入世后我国企业合法避税方法的研究
11.On evading economic venture in China’s entering WTO;对规避我国“入世”之经济风险的思考
12.Research on Risks of Positive External Economy of Shanghai 2010 Expo and the Countermeasures against the Risks上海世博会正外部性经济与风险规避
13.He entertains the belief that the second world war is inevitable before 1936.他相信1936 年以前第二次世界大战是不能避免的。
14.In sum,illegal immigration is an inevitable global problem.总之 ,非法移民是世界各国难以逃避的难题
15.He sought to steer the little ship of state in such a way as to avoid being caught in the Old World's involvements.治国如同行舟,他避免牵进旧世界的纠纷之中。
16.Romatic novels enabled him to escape from reality into a world of dreams.浪漫小说使他得以逃避现实,进入梦幻世界。
17.For a lie faces God, and shrinks from man.因为谎言是直对着上帝而躲避着世人的。
18.In summer, there are many people who come from the different area in the world to visit Summering Manor.在夏天,有来自世界各地的旅行者参观避暑山庄。

Go into retirement and keeping away from the world退隐避世
3)Flee Away From the Society Passively消极避世
4)avoided fame and gain避世逃名
1.After China′s foundation,SHEN Cong-wen avoided fame and gain ,giving up his literature write and making study of cultural relic silently.建国后的沈从文 ,由建国前的驰骋文坛转为避世逃名 ,放弃自己的文学创作 ,默默地遁入文物研究 ,并取得了巨大的成就 ,本文深究沈从文建国后的心路历程 ,揭示出沈从文如水般似柔实韧的性格与其建国后的选择之间有着必然的联系 ,从而深悟沈从文留给我们的生命的真
5)Confucian evasive儒家避世
1.Because of the same hermit sentiments there have some confusion ideas: On the one hand, Confucian evasive concept of Reclusive Drama represents more the ideas from Taoism.由于二者之隐逸思想,常常混杂交错,隐居乐道剧之儒家避世思想观念,较多表现有道家(教)的隐逸思想特征;神仙道化剧之道家弃世思想观念,又几乎与儒家的隐逸思想无二,呈现出儒道互补的特点。
6)To escape the dusty world避离尘世
