阴阳观念,Yinyang Concept
1)Yinyang Concept阴阳观念
1.Yinyang Concept is a core concept of The Book Of Change.阴阳观念是《周易》的核心观念。

1.And basing upon the study, to more probe into the symbolistic meaning of the form of odd number and even number in ancient times sacrificial culture.特别是数字的奇偶形式 ,其于古老的阴阳观念作用下 ,在上古祭祀文化中具有系统的象征意义
2.Isomorphism of Yin-Yang and the Application of Li and Yue--Analysis of the Interior structure of Confucius Harmonious Concept;阴阳同构与礼乐之用——儒家“和合”观念内在结构分析
3.Clinic Effect of Fluconazole in Patients with Vulvovaginal Candidiasis(Analysis of 50 Cases)氟康唑治疗外阴阴道念珠菌病50例临床观察
4.Clinical Efficacy of Shuangyin Suppository for Candidial Vaginitis:Observation of 60 Cases爽阴栓治疗念珠菌性阴道炎60例临床疗效观察
5.Concept layout of mountain park in Jinyang new Dist,Guiyang贵阳市金阳新区观山公园概念性规划
6.On The Theory of ZhuXi s Yin and Yang In The Research About ZhouYI Can-Tong-Qi;论朱熹《周易参同契考异》的阴阳观
7."according to the ancients, Yin and Yang were two opposing principles in nature, the former negative, the latter positive. Yin is female and Yang is male;"根据古人的观点,阴阳是自然中两对立的本源:阴为负,阳为正;阴为雌,阳为雄;
8.the masculine [feminine, neuter, common] gender阳 [阴,中,通] 性
9.Take a close look at the shadow cast by your hand in direct sunlight.仔细观察阳光直射下你的手所投下的阴影。
10.Therapeutic Observation of Wu Zi Tang in Treatment of Yin Xu Yang Kang Type Hyperviscosity五子汤治疗阴虚阳亢型高粘血症的临床观察
11.The Clinical Study of Du-Moxibustion Treating on the Cases of Gene HLA-B27(+) and HLA-B27(-) Expression of Ankylosing Spondylitis;督灸治疗AS关于HLA-B27阴性与阳性患者的疗效观察
12.The Clinical Effect Observation on Treating Apolexy with the Yinyangqixue and Biaoben Acupunctural Method;阴阳气血配穴标本兼治法治疗中风的临床观察
13.The effect of the theory "Yin-yang and Five-element" on the cultivation in loess plateau of China;易理“阴阳五行”在黄土高原农耕农事中的观照
14.Teachers View on Gender Role: Main Cause of "the Female Rises While the male Declines";教师的性别角色观:“阴盛阳衰”现象的重要成因
15.Cosmology conceived in Yijing and the origin of the Yin-yang & Five-element School s ideology;《易经》的宇宙观与阴阳五行家思想之渊源
16.On the Nature of "Yin-yang"and its Study in View of Modern Scientic relativity;从现代科学物质观看“阴阳”范畴的物质本性
17.An analysis of the influence of Yin-yang and Five Elements theory on the literary view of Wen Xin Diao Long试论阴阳五行学说对《文心雕龙》文学观的影响
18.On the relation of theory of heart and humanity in Zhu Xi′s Neo-Confucianism with the ideas about Yin and Yang and Tai Chi朱熹理学心性观与太极阴阳说之关系探微

theory of yin and yang阴阳观
1.The theory of yin and yang is of important theoretical and practical significance in guiding the research of the regulation of human appetite.通过对人体食欲调节网络的分析 ,阐述了人体食欲调节的阴阳观。
3)Taoist's "Yin and Yang" theory道家阴阳观
4)positive-negative spirit Qi theory阴阳神气观
5)The Yin-yang Concept of Brand品牌阴阳观
6)"Yin-Yang"idea and"Sheng-sheng"idea阴阳观和生生观
1.The original thoughts of Jin Zhi-lin is a cultural consciousness which is looked on the“Yin-Yang”idea and“Sheng-sheng”idea as its nuclear.靳之林的本原思想是以阴阳观和生生观为核心生命文化意识。
