庄周梦蝶,"Zhuang Zhou Meng Die"
1)"Zhuang Zhou Meng Die"庄周梦蝶
1.On the English Translation of “Zhuang Zhou Meng Die”;也谈“庄周梦蝶”的英译

1.On Sad Mentality of Zhuangzi from Zhuangzhou Dreaming Butterfly从“庄周梦蝶”浅析庄子的悲态心理
2.Taste of Emotion, Rational Thinking and Perception of Ideorealm--Three Types of Interpretation of "Dreaming Butterfly";体情·思理·悟境——“庄周梦蝶”的三种解释路向
3.A White Horse Can Fly Like A Butterfly--A study of inversed relationship between logic and imagination reflected by the proposition of non-white horse analogizes horse and the imagining of Chuang Tuz dreams of butterfly;白马堪做蝴蝶飞——白马非马论题和庄周梦蝶反映的逻辑和想象力反变关系研究
4.It was fortunate of Chuangtse to dream of being a butterfly, but a misfortune for the butterfly to dream of being Chuangtse.庄周梦为蝴蝶,庄周之幸也;蝴蝶梦为庄周,蝴蝶之不幸也。
5.Affairs of Human Life Are Like a Dream,Just Singing Sorrowful Poetry--On Xin Qiji s Life Tragedy;世事庄周蝴蝶梦 春愁臣甫杜鹃诗——论辛弃疾的人生悲剧
6.On Zhuangzi s Dream of Changing into A Butterfly;论庄子的蝴蝶梦——人生在梦幻中超越
7.Discussions of the Characteristics of Zhuangzi′s Aesthetic Thought from His Ideas of Three Sounds and His Dreaming of Being a Butterfly从“三籁”和“梦蝶”看庄子美学思想的特点
8.Zhuang Zhou s Butterfly Dream" --On the Reason Why Zuangzhi "Refused to Be an Official for Life;“庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶”——论庄子“终身不仕”的原因
9.Living and Transcendence:A Psychological approach to Zhuang Zhou s Dream of a Butterfly;生存与超越——庄周化蝶的深层心理探究
10.Classical Taste Comparison between the Modern Poems of Zheng Chouyu and Zhou Mengdie;郑愁予、周梦蝶现代诗古典韵味之比较
11.Zhuang Zi s Xiang of Fables and Its Origin of Creativity--Based on the Xiang of "Purposeless","Butterfly Dreaming" and "Swimming Fish";庄子的寓言之象与原创之思——以“象罔”“梦蝶”“游鱼”之象思为例
12.Spiritual Affinity Between Laozi, Zhuangzi and Several British and American Writers;蝴蝶翩翩梦寰宇——谈老庄思想与几位英美作家的心灵契合
13.Awakening and Maturity After the Nightmare in Manderley--On the Techniques Used in Rebecca to Highlight the Theme of Growth;蝴蝶梦魇过后的觉醒与成熟——试析《蝴蝶梦》的成长主题及其凸显
14.Comparisons between Wuthering Heights and Dreams of the Red Mansion--the Dreams;《呼啸山庄》与《红楼梦》梦境描写比较
15.The Ethical Principles in Daphne du Maurier:A Case Study of Rebecca;从《蝴蝶梦》看达夫妮·杜穆里埃的伦理观
16.Random Talk about Complicated Legal Cases--Taking Butterfly Dream by Guan Han-qing as an example;公案戏杂谈——以关汉卿的《蝴蝶梦》为例
17.A Continuation and Transmission of Literature from Heart to Heart;心灵的传承——试论《简爱》对《蝴蝶梦》的影响
18.JIA Ping-wa s Psychic Progress Seen from ZHUANG Zhi-die to LIU Gao-xing;从庄之蝶到刘高兴看贾平凹的心路历程

Zhou Mengdie周梦蝶
1.Classical Taste Comparison between the Modern Poems of Zheng Chouyu and Zhou Mengdie;郑愁予、周梦蝶现代诗古典韵味之比较
3)Zhuang Zi and His Dream of Butterfly庄子与梦蝶
4)dreaming of being a butterfly梦蝶
1.This paper,based on the description of "three sounds" and "dreaming of being a butterfly" in The Equality of Things,discusses the characteristics of Zhuangzi′s aesthetic thought,that is,the directness in the aesthetic process,the super integrity of aesthetic object,the aesthetic psychological state of heteromorphy isomorphism and the aesthetic perspective of periphrastic view.基于《齐物论》中"三籁"和"梦蝶"形象的描述,探讨了庄子美学思想的几个特点:即主张审美过程的"直达"性,追求审美对象的"超完整"性,异态同构的审美心质以及迂回观照的审美视线。
1.The Ethical Principles in Daphne du Maurier:A Case Study of Rebecca;从《蝴蝶梦》看达夫妮·杜穆里埃的伦理观
2.The Understanding of the Image of "Sea" in Rebecca;试析《蝴蝶梦》中大海的意象
3.Comparison of Gothic style writing of Rebecca and Jane Eyre;《蝴蝶梦》和《简·爱》中哥特式写作手法的比较
6)Butterfly Dream蝴蝶梦
1.The Butterfly Dream: A Feminist Reconstruction of the Discourse of Sex and Morality in Chinese Drama;《蝴蝶梦》与中国戏剧中有关性与道德话语的女性重构

庄周  见庄子。