柔弱胜刚强,conquering firmness with soft
1)conquering firmness with soft柔弱胜刚强

1.The Analysis of "Femininity Exceeds Mightiness" in Lao Zi;强弱柔刚之辨——对《老子》“柔弱胜刚强”的解析
2.Probe into the Way of Thinking that Weak Win Firm and Uncompromising by Lao-tzu;对老子论“柔弱胜刚强”的思维方式之探究
3."Deeds are males, and words are females"言柔弱无能,行刚强有力
4.Such a striking contrast has enhanced the attractiveness of both.两者刚柔相济,美不胜收。
5.Cancers are a lot like real crabs, hard on the outside, yet soft on the inside.巨蟹座的人很像真正的螃蟹:外表刚强,但内心柔弱。
6.Oaks may fall when reeds stand the atom.小草耐风暴,大树容易倒(强大势力之下,柔曲胜过刚直)。
7.A weak nation can defeat a strong, a small can defeat a big.弱国也可胜强国,弱者也能胜强者。
8.It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove.以强凌弱,胜之不武。
9.Argue on Campaign of Cheng-Pu with less and weaker defeat much and stronger;“城濮之战”“以少胜多、以弱胜强”说刍论
10.Of the few over the many, the pure over the impure...and the latkes over my diet!以少胜多、以弱胜强...还有土豆烙饼胜大餐!
11.The weak over the strong -Leading model of Chinese leaders of our time;以弱胜强——当代中国领导人的领导艺术
12.I am weak. I am weak, very weak.我比较柔弱。 我是柔弱的,非常柔弱的。
13.She might seem fragile physically, yet behind her soft face was a strong will of her own.她的身体或许柔弱,但她柔和的面孔后面,有一种她独有的坚强意志。
14.Will he look much or a bit effeminate?他应该看起来非常或者有些柔弱还是强壮?
15.A Clinical Study of Twin-Wires on Anchorage Reinforcement弓丝刚柔组合强化正畸支抗的临床效果评价
16.Experimental Study on Interface Layer Strength Characteristics of Rigid-Flexible Composite Pavement刚柔复合式路面界面层强度特性试验研究
17.On flexible protection and stiff protection for structure safety under explosive/impact loading强动载荷下结构的柔性防护和刚性防护
18.Hard and soft compound expression road surface boundary layer intensity characteristic experimental study刚柔复合式路面界面层强度特性的试验研究

softeness ovecoming rigidity柔胜刚
3)The soft overcoming the hard柔之胜刚
4)the weak defeats the strong以弱胜强
1.His series of military thoughts, including"People s war","the weak defeats the strong", are not only magic weapons for defeating the enemy during the period of revolutionary war ,but also have profound practical significance in market competitions today.毛泽东提出的一系列包括人民战争、以弱胜强等思想不仅在革命战争时期是克敌制胜的法宝,而且在市场经济条件下同样具有现实意义。
5)The weakest goes to the wall强胜弱败
6)hardness and softness刚柔
1.Brief probe into viewpoint of "hardness and softness" in Wang Bi’s Notes of Zhouyi;王弼《周易注》“刚柔”观略探
