创造的诠释学,the creative-Hermeneutics
1)the creative-Hermeneutics创造的诠释学
2)Creative Annotation创造性诠释
1.Creative Annotation of Classics and Localization of Chinese Legal Science;经典的创造性诠释与当代中国法学的本土化——以《论语》中“礼仪象征”的诠释为例展开分析

1.Existence Way of Art Works and Their Truth--On Gadamer s Hermeneutics;艺术作品的存在方式及其真理问题——加达默尔对艺术的创造性诠释论述
2.On Creative Treason from the Psychoanalytic Approach心理分析维度下创造性叛逆的重新诠释
3.Philosophical creation and interpretation with philosophicalconnotations: setting XIONG Shi-li up as an example;易理诠释与哲学创造:以熊十力为例
4.Zhuxi s Innovative Interpretation of the Nature of Mind in Traditional Confucianism;朱熹对儒家传统心性论的诠释与创新
5.Annotation of Annotation-Annotating the Distinctive Innovative Thought of the Cultural Industry in Shenzhen;《诠释》之诠释——诠释深圳文化产业独特的创新思维
6.On Alexandre Charme s Xing li zhen quan and His Interpretation of Taiji;孙璋《性理真诠》对“太极”的诠释
7.A Feminist Interpretation and Reconstruction of Primitive Myth of the Literary Creation of May Sarton;梅·萨藤的文学创作对原始神话的女性诠释与重构
8.On Interpretation and Acceptation of Feminine s Dramatic Creation Theories in the Ming and Qing Dynasties--From a Perspective of the Preface and the Postscript to the Drama;明清女性戏曲创作理论的诠释与接受——以古代戏曲序跋为例
9.Study on Product Innovation Based on Deeply Development of Implicit Demand--View of Information Cognition;基于隐性需求深度开发的产品创新研究——信息认知角度的诠释
10.Architecture Annotation of Moderate Modernity: Inspiration from Creation of Benxi Museum Architecture适度现代性的建筑诠释——以本溪博物馆建筑创作为例
11.Introduction, Annotation and Originality;推介 诠释 创意——浅析导游词的三个层次
12.Innovation for the Service of Society: On Kang Youwei s Annotation on "Mencius Original Meaning"(Mengzi Wei);创新以经世:康有为对《孟子微》的诠释
13.Social capital: its sociological meanings to technological innovation;社会资本:对技术创新的社会学诠释
14.Discussion on Comprehensive Innovation Annotation Pattern of the Chinese Marxism's Hermeneutics中国马克思主义解释学的综合创新型诠释范式
15.activity that releases or expresses creative energy or emotion.释放或表达创造性精神或情感的活动。
16.Creative Interpretation of The Analects of Confucius and The Mencius by Rang Youwei康有为对《论语》和《孟子》的创造性解释
17.A Cultural Explanation on Mao Dun s Early Fictions about "Modern Women";文化阐释:茅盾“时代女性”创造新论
18.A New Explanation of Creativity of the Technical Subjects Going toward the Ecological Century;走向生态纪的技术主体创造性新阐释

Creative Annotation创造性诠释
1.Creative Annotation of Classics and Localization of Chinese Legal Science;经典的创造性诠释与当代中国法学的本土化——以《论语》中“礼仪象征”的诠释为例展开分析
3)Annotation and Creation诠释与创造
4)Hermeneutic truth诠释学的真理
5)interpretation and composition诠释与创作
1.The Northern Song neo-Confucianism under the vision of hermeneutics of the Yi-ology;易学诠释学模式下的北宋理学
2.Researches on Several Basic Questions of the Theories of Hermeneutics;关于诠释学理论中若干基本问题的探究
3.On the interpretations of Yi jing from the angle of hermeneutics;从诠释学的角度看《易经》的解读

创造工程学创造工程学engineering of creativity  创造工程学(engineering of erea:ivity)属于发明方法或创造技法本身的研究,是创造力研究或现代创造学的两大组成部分之一(另一部分为心理学或创造心理学方面的理论研究和探索)。作为创造工程学的创造力研究,具有应用性的特征,其根本目的并不是要揭示创造力本身究竟是什么,而是在于提高或发展创造力,也就是所谓的创造力开发。它是直接为教会人们“发明的方法”,或教会人们究竟如何去“发明”而进行的一种研究。故创造工程学实质上属于创造或科学技术创造的“方法学”研究的范畴。一般认为,创造工程学的产生,首先是与A.F.奥斯本发明“头脑风暴法”,以及与创办“创造教育基金会”等等紧密联系在一起,故奥斯本被誉为“创造工程之父”。参见“创造心理学”。 (王小英撰牟丈博审)