五种,five species
1)five species五种

1.The five objectives of the Ancient Chinese Literature and the five approaches to the teaching of the course;古代文学教学的五个目的与五种方法
2.The Five Major Backgrounds and Five Kinds of Value of Modern Western Ideological Trend;现代西方思潮的五大背景和五种价值
3.A composition for five voices or instruments.五重唱、五重奏五声部演唱或五种乐器演奏的作品
4.He is fluent in five languages.他能流利地说五种语言。
5.He prided himself on knowing 5 languages.他以懂五种语言而自豪。
6.What is sensual desire? There are five cords of sensual pleasure. What five?什么是欲望呢?有五种牵动欲望的绳索,那五种呢?
7.Effects of Five Insecticides on the Population of the Small Brown Planthopper Laodelphax Striatellus(Fallén);五种常用杀虫剂对灰飞虱种群的影响
8.Procuratorial Work Should Be Strengthened to Achieve Awareness Of the Five Changes;检察工作应强化五种意识 实现五个转变
9.There are five basic types of data communication system:有五种基本的数据通信系统:
10."Any of about 75 species of tropical Birds (family Capitonidae) named for the Bristles at the Base of their stout, sharp Bill."鴷形目须鴷科热带鸟类,约七十五种
11.There is five kinds of cheese on a wooden platter.木制浅盘上放著五种乳酪。
12.A U.S. silver coin worth50 cents.五角硬币一种美国银币,值五十美分
13.A line of verse consisting of five metrical feet.五音步的每行有五个韵脚的一种诗
14." The five tones are connected with the philosophical idea of wuxing (five fundamental elements, namely wood, fire, earth, metal, and water)."这五个音和五行这种哲学观点有关(五行指五大要素.即木、火、土、金、水)。
15.He farms 500 acres.他耕种五百英亩地。
16.The farmer sows the corn in the spring.春天农民播种五谷。
17.Observation of Seed Shell Structure and Embryonic Development of Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr.et Maxim) Maxim.刺五加种皮结构及种胚形态发育观察
18.Reliability Analysis of WuDi Parlance Recorded in the WuDiBenJi of Shiji;《史记·五帝本纪》五帝说浅析——兼论先秦时代产生的两种五帝说

five types of structured uncertainty五种摄动
3)five fishing methods五种作业
4)five functions五种功能
5)five characteristics五种特性
1.The papers in library science should have five characteristics in innovation, theory, knowledge, practicability and readability.文章认为 ,图书馆学论文应具备五种特性 ,即创新性、理论性、知识性、实用性及可读性 ;同时 ,分析了这五种特性的内涵 ,探讨了综合实现这五种特性的途径与方法。
6)five types五种类型
1.There are 65 substitutions of homonyms in Liuzhou Dialect Dictionary,including five types.《柳州方言词典》中有65个同音代替字,实际属于五种类型。
