有所待,"what waited for"
1)"what waited for"有所待
1.If network education wants to develop better,it can t meditate "what waited for",but will draw the power of traditional education depth.网络教育要更好地发展不能沉吟于"有所待",而要汲取传统教育深度的力量。
2)in abeyance(所有权等)归属待定
3)wall-to-wall people at the reception.招待会上所有的人
4)with me有待
1.Tao Yuanming s drinking is special because it possesses the double characters of with me and without me.陶渊明饮酒的特异之处 ,在于其具有有待和无待两重特征 ,是有待和无待的矛盾运动 ,同时也折射出他的思想情趣和对生命的独特理解。

1.Many questions remain to be answered.还有许多问题有待解决。
2.The sea is an untapped supply of energy.海洋是有待开发的能源。
3.That is to be proven by further experiments.这还有待于进一步证实。
4.However, the treatment of rich peasants should differ from that of landlords.但在待遇上,对待富农应同对待地主有所区别。
5.be liable or accountable.负有责任或者有所交待。
6.Somebody must have waited upon her.非得有个人来招待招待她。
7.Looking forward to the opportunity of hosting you here again.期待能有机会再次作为东道主接待您。
8.On Proper Opinion Toward SOE Reform;正确地看待和对待国有企业“改制”
9.There are still 20 mail parcels to be dealt out.还有20个邮包待发。
10.No, I was expecting sunny weather.没有唷,我期待会是晴天,
11.I learned about people who were treated badly,我听说有人受虐待,
12.Have experience as a receptionist.有当接待员的经验。
13.You have some guests in the reception room.有几位客人在接待室等 。
14.There was a waitress there.那里还有一位女招待。
15.A pleasure is sometimes greatest in anticipation.凡事在期待中最有乐趣。
16.There is nothing to be hoped for.没有什么好期待的了。
17.And what expectations does China have on that seminar?中方对此有什么期待?
18.I'm sure to send the tape to you by anyone who happens to come to me.待有便人,定将磁带捎去。

in abeyance(所有权等)归属待定
3)wall-to-wall people at the reception.招待会上所有的人
4)with me有待
1.Tao Yuanming s drinking is special because it possesses the double characters of with me and without me.陶渊明饮酒的特异之处 ,在于其具有有待和无待两重特征 ,是有待和无待的矛盾运动 ,同时也折射出他的思想情趣和对生命的独特理解。
5)boarding house招待所
6)depend-on and nondepend-on有待与无待
1.On the base of humanity, we discuss depend-on and nondepend-on in the area of materials, imprisonment and freedom in the area of systems, reason and sensibility in the area of spirit .以"人性"为基点,考察人性在物质、制度和精神这三个层面上的进退逡巡:有待与无待、监禁与自由、理智与情感,有助于我们寻求并破解文化发展的内在动力问题。

有所缘【有所缘】 (术语)心识谓之有所缘,心识以外之物谓之无所缘。所缘者如眼识之于色,耳识之于声。心识攀缘寄托之境界也。总之,心识必有此所缘,故名有所缘。俱舍论二曰:“六识意界及法界摄诸心所法,名有所缘,能取境故。”